Dear Students, Friends and Kula Members,


I have dedicated 14 years of my life to the intense study of the most elegant style of yoga I have experienced, Anusara Yoga. I became Anusara Certified in 2005, apprenticed John Friend in 2005-2006 and have served on the Anusara Certification Committee for 5 years. I'm so grateful for what the teachings and practice have brought to my life. I have met the most amazing people and am grateful for the many blessed friends and family I am surrounded by because of this practice. The foundation that Anusara Yoga has given me is extraordinary. I strongly believe in the power of the practice and the efficacy of the Universal Principles of Alignment.


It completely breaks my heart to make this announcement. After years of significant consideration, I have decided to terminate my license with Anusara Yoga.  I can now say with certainty that I am not aligned with John Friend.


My roots in Anusara Yoga will continue to serve my practice and teaching for years to come and for that I am truly grateful. I will continue to teach the way I teach. Nothing will be immediately different; yet, as always, I will continue to be a dedicated student of yoga and hold strong to my commitment to expand as a teacher.  I am inspired to proceed on my personal path of yoga and learn more and more about how to navigate this life with Shri, Grace, Truth, Integrity and Love!


With Love and Gratitude,

Laura Christensen


"The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." ~ Charles Du Bos (via The Four Desires by Rod Stryker.) 


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