The Massachusetts Department of Public Health's (MDPH) Determination of Need (DoN) Community Health Initiative (CHI) program seeks to identify a qualified, comprehensive fiscal agent to manage, ensure the evaluation of, and annually report on CHI funds allocated to the CHI Statewide Initiative Fund and the CHI Healthy Aging Fund.

The selected applicant will be responsible: 
  1. for the intake and management of CHI funds that result from approved DoN projects
  2. distributing those funds under the direction of DPH. 
The successful applicant will be allowed to charge a reasonable annual fee to cover basic administrative costs to operationalize, implement, and report on CHI activities. The fee will either be set as a maximum percentage of the CHI dollars or a fixed amount, which will be determined prior to the awarding of the agreement(s). This agreement is subject to annual review and no Commonwealth funds will be expended for this contract.

To access information on this opportunity on Commbuys, 

*This opportunity is posted on Commbuys as # W18020 and Bid # is BD-18-1031-ADMIN-ADM01-21831.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) is interested in knowing more about collaborative Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP) processes happening in the state. 

A CHIP is a "long-term, systematic effort to address public health problems based on the results of community health assessment activities and the community health improvement process (Sourced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)."

If your organization is participating in a CHIP and/or a Community Health Needs Assessment,  please click here to take the survey!

If you're not already on our coalition finder, or haven't updated it in awhile, please do so here!  

Ounce of Prevention i s a statewide conference that brings together a wide range of stakeholders in support of healthier and more equitable communities in Massachusetts. This annual conference is organized by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and is designed to provide professional development and networking opportunities, along with tools, resources and practical skill-building sessions


The focus of the 2018 Ounce of Prevention annual conference is  Working Together for Healthier and More Equitable Communities and you are invited to help shape the event by submitting a Workshop Session  Proposal. 

The planning committee is looking for:
  1. examples of collaborative work to create healthier communities with a particular emphasis on the social determinants of health
  2. initiatives that explicitly address racial and/or health inequities through program development/implementation, institutional/community systems change, or policy development based on best practices and developed through community engaged processes. 
The sessions should provide best practices, share resources, or facilitate discussion on innovative models and emphasize their feasible application and replication in communities across the Commonwealth.

Proposals are to be submitted by Friday, December 22, 2017 at 11:59 pm ET. 

Contact us for more information about opportunities to grow through training and resources, or if you'd like to submit a resource or event for inclusion in the next update. 


Daisy Ortega, Gina Rodriguez, and Kelly Danckert
Community Health Training Institute

P.S. If you are a member of an MA coalition, remember to update your coalition profile today!