Highlighting how BBN groups are a force for positive social change
Message from the new BBN Coordinator

As I've gotten up to speed in my role as the new  Beyond Belief Network  (BBN) Coordinator, I have been impressed by the events BBN teams are organizing. Day in and day out, BBN teams are doing incredible work in their communities, and I am honored to be able to begin supporting that work.

You may have noticed that we did not announce a June Team of the Month in June. That's because we will now be announcing the Picture of the Month and Team of the Month in the subsequent month. That way, BBN teams have the entire month to submit prize-eligible events and pictures. You can read about our June BBN Team of the Month below. We'll announce the July Picture of the Month and Team of the Month winners on the second Thursday in August, and we'll be using the other Thursdays to highlight the wonderful work of the more than 100 BBN teams.

If you are interested in learning more about having your team join BBN or joining a team in your area, visit our website .
FBB and AHA encourage BBN groups to Show Up For Racial Justice

Foundation Beyond Belief applauded the  American Humanist Association  for hiring its first Social Justice Coordinator, Sincere Kirabo, and for signing up to be an affiliate of  Showing Up For Racial Justice  (SURJ), a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people to speak out for racial justice and take bold, powerful action in local work. 

FBB invites BBN teams to talk to its members about joining  SURJ's Super Volunteers program. One way BBN teams can have an immediate impact is to organize volunteers for the SURJ August Phone Bank.  SURJ is looking for 200 people to sign up for 3-hour shifts which can be accessed by anyone with a phone, computer, and internet.  BBN teams could be that 200. Talk about embodying and representing humanism to the world! 

BBN groups need not be AHA affiliates to participate, and can sign up at the link above or reach out to [email protected] with questions.  If you sign up as a Super Volunteer or to help with the phone bank , be sure to include a note that you are volunteering as part of AHA's affiliation with SURJ.
June Team of the Month: Springfield Skeptics

After winning May Picture of the Month for a photo captured at their Ozarks Food Harvest, the Springfield Skeptics are being recognized as the June Team of the Month for a regular dinner they provide to "GALAGXY," a support group for LGBTQ youth at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center for the Ozarks.

Springfield Skeptics are in charge of the GALAGXY dinner on t he second Tuesday each month. Some members prepare the food, some serve, some clean up. Group organizers report that for the June event, everyone who signed up for food followed through and there was enough food for everyone to have seconds with leftovers! Members stepped up to provide a summer meal of sandwiches, c hips, potato salad, fruit, and various desserts, all of which the kids seemed to enjoy.

South Texas Atheists for Reason (STAR)

The South Texas Atheists for Reason have been coordinating a highly successful monthly event with the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers where humanist chaplains and layleaders are made available to trainees at Joint Base San Antonio. This month's event drew 647 attendees!

At the end of June, STAR also organized another regular Helping the Homeless event (pictured) where they gave away toiletries, clothing, food, and water to 50 people in need.
Minnesota Atheists

Last weekend, Minnesota Atheists (with help from the Freedom From Religion Foundation) took over the St. Paul Saints minor league baseball team for the fifth year in a row.  Players wore special Mr. Paul Aints jerseys (pictured) as they took on the Fargo-Moorhead Redhawks.   The sellout crowd gave up their soles for charity (shoes donated at the gate were donated to  Soles4Souls), and the sacrilegious  "Aints" won 3-2.

South Jersey Humanists

South Jersey Humanists has been able to donate more than 35 lbs of vegetables from its garden this season, which the organization has contributed to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey along with many volunteer hours!