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2nd Generation Family Business"

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Workers'  Unemployment Compensation  News 
August 2018
Summer might be ending...
But that means football is beginning!
  BWC Important Dates:

[Public & Private Employers]
August 31
  • Self-Insured Assessment Payment Due - Second Half

[Private Employers]
August 15th
  • Payroll True-Up Reports Due

Do you know anyone starting a new business in Ohio?
Be sure to tell them about the BWC's

Incentive Program.

Grow Ohio - allows employers new to the Ohio area the opportunity to take advantage of significant discounts when they either sign-up to join a group-experience-rating program or can receive an automatic discount on their workers' compensation premiums.
  • Employers who opt to join a group-experience-rating program receive a premium discount-potentially up to 53% effective their FIRST day of coverage.
  • Those employers who do not join a group, can receive up to a 25% discount on their workers' compensation premiums.
Visit the BWC


 to learn more about Grow Ohio, or simply click  GROW OHIO
Safe + Sound Week is Coming
Show your commitment to workplace safety 
Click safety to learn how.

The BWC has announced its Better You. Better Ohio! program encouraging businesses to take advantage of health and wellness resources for those who work in "high-risk" industries.
Click more to sign up and be better!
State Fund Employer True-Up Reports Due August 15th!


2019-2020 Group Experience Rating Packets Arriving Soon!

We have mailed eligible clients their 2019-2020 Group Experience Rating Enrollment Renewal Packets.

This year, there are 2 new premium determination factors (EM Adjustment Factor & Premium Size Factor).

The Experience Modifier Adjustment Factor will be applied to the employer's individual experience modifier (EM) to increase/decrease the original modifier and ultimately the premiums the employer will pay.  Employers with an original EM of .91 to 1.99 will see no change in their individual EM.  The EM adjustment factor will NOT apply to the following employers:
  • Professional Employer Organizations (PEO)
  • Employers participating in a Group Experience Rating Program
  • Employers participating in the 100% EM Cap or Construction Cap Programs
  • Employers participating in the Grow Ohio Incentive Program
The final rating adjustment is the Premium Size Factor.  This rating adjustment will only apply to employers that are paying over $5,000 per year in premiums.  Employers will receive discounts on various ranges of premiums over $5,000.  The discounts will be applied to the pure premium (premiums without BWC administrative costs).  The Premium Size Factor will not apply to the following employers, regardless of premiums size:
  • Professional Employer Organizations (PEO)
  • Employers participating in a Group Experience Rating Program
These rating adjustments are NOT BWC discount programs and do NOT require an enrollment, the BWC will apply the adjustments were applicable.    
While reviewing discount program options for 2019, be aware of the savings that these rating adjustments provide.  The savings generated by these adjustments may be more significant than BWC discount programs.


Policy Activity Rebate Program aka PAR
(State Fund Employers)

A new customizable program that allows employers to earn a rebate

The  Policy Activity Rebate (PAR) program provides an opportunity for employers to receive a 50-percent premium rebate (up to $2,000) while promoting a safe work environment and improving claims and policy management.
Employers must complete 11 credits by choosing from a wide array of  33 activities.

The following employers are eligible for PAR.
  • State-fund employers who have an active, reinstated, or debtor-in-possession status.
  • With an experience modifier equal to or greater than 1.
  • At least $350 in premium for the applicable policy year.

Please contact Tammy Purcell for more information


Sherry Adams
Self Insured Account Manager

Sherry Adams
Self-Insured Staff Support

Since September 1990, I have worked on the Self-Insured side of the business providing staff support including; processing fee bills, answering phones, handling the mail and running monthly reports.  

When I'm not at Hunter, I like to spend my free time with family and friends. In addition, I am an avid collector of teddy bears.

I can't begin to express how thankful I am that my fellow co-worker's voted me 
Hunter Consulting's employee of the Month!


Any employer that incurred a claim during the  GREEN period and is currently participating in a WORKERS' COMPENSATION GROUP RATING PROGRAM, 
must complete 2 hours of safety training 
to be compliant with Ohio BWC guidelines.    
 Private Employer green year:  
July 1, 2016- September 30, 2017
Public Employer green year:
**January 1, 2017 - March 31, 2017** 

 There are a number of options available for completing this requirement, employers can:

  • Complete the BWC's online Accident Analysis course and the corresponding report.
Once you have completed the training send your CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION to 
Tammy Purcell  via fax at  (513) 372-8742  or via email at 


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