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Important BearBuy Updates

August 2013

Dear BearBuy Users,


We would like to inform you of important updates in BearBuy and other campus systems. Please review the topics below and follow the links or scroll down for more information on each topic.


BearBuy August Communication Topics:  

  1. August BearBuy Classroom Training 
  2. New UCOP System-wide Agreements Website  
  3. Need to Review Action Items - Audience: All BearBuy Voucher Org Node Approvers and Match Exception Preparers/Approvers  
  4. America To Go 
  5. Cal Answers Procure to Pay Initiative recently introduced Consolidated Spend, Voucher Workflow, and Purchase Order Balance reporting 
If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk at  
510-664-9000 (options 1,2,1) or BearBuyHelp@berkeley.edu for immediate assistance.

Thank you for your continued support

Vanessa Wong

Director of Operations and Technology

UCSF and UC Berkeley Campus Procurement

1. August BearBuy Classroom Training

Log into Blu and access the UC Learning Center to sign up for these sessions:
  • August 21: BearBuy Requisition Creator: Class # BEESS965-130821 - full 
  • August 22: Authorizer and Requisition Approver: Class # BEESS966-130822
  • August 27: BearBuy Requisition Creator: Class #BEESS965-130827 *This second class has been added!*   
  • August 29: Match Exception Preparer and Change Order Preparer: Class # BEESS968-130829
2. New UCOP System-wide Agreements Website

UC has changed the location of UCOP system-wide agreements. To access the new site, please follow these steps: 
  1. If you are a new user, email bearbuyadmin@berkeley.edu to obtain the username and password necessary to access the site
  2. Go to the landing page for the UCOP Agreements database 
  3. Find the "NOTICE: The University of California Contract Repository has moved to a new location" statement on the page and click the words new location to access the new site
  4. Enter the username and password and click the Sign in button 

For guidance on browsing the new website, please refer to the Quick Reference Guide available in the News section on the Procurement Services homepage. 

3.  Need to Review Action Items - Audience: All BearBuy Voucher Org Node Approvers and Match Exception Preparers/Approvers

Voucher Org Node Approvers and Match Exception Preparers/Approvers must take action on all pending Match Exceptions and Vouchers on a regular basis, at least several times per week, to avoid consequences of delayed payment.

Action Steps: Open theAction item tabtab  in the banner at the top of the screen.

Click on the Invoices to Approve or Unassigned Invoices Needing Approval to review the transactions needing resolution.  Remember that you will need to assign unassigned vouchers to yourself before processing them. 

Action tab-Voucher dropdown  

If you find a voucher that should not be paid or needs rework from Disbursements:

Examples of vouchers needing rework: the invoice is a duplicate, the remit-to address is not correct, the funding code needs to be changed, the lines need to be applied differently. 

  • Include notes in the Comments section explaining why the voucher should not be paid or what information should be revised.
  • Select Forward from the Available Actions dropdown menu at the top of the screen.  Do not select the Reject option, since no further action can be taken to resolve the transaction.  
  • Select the Central Disbursements staff member who will be the first person listed in the approval workflow.

Voucher Approval workflow  

For more on Match Exceptions and Vouchers, visit the BearBuy Instructional Resources webpage for job aids and reference guides.
4.  America To Go 
We are continuing to work on the America To Go project. This BearBuy catalog will become the standard method for users to place orders from local caterers and restaurants for their on campus meetings, program activities and special events.  

The America To Go Frequently Asked Questions webpage  on the UC Berkeley Procurement Services website has been updated with questions and answers and now includes a preliminary list of participating caterers.  

In September, Procurement and America To Go will be holding a town hall for local restaurants and caterers to provide additional information about this new system for online ordering. Additional town halls and information events for campus members will be published this fall.

You may also contact Stacey Templeman in Procurement Services with any questions you may have about America To Go or the implementation process.

5. Cal Answers Procure to Pay Initiative recently introduced Consolidated Spend, Voucher Workflow, and Purchase Order Balance reporting 

The Cal Answers Procure to Pay Initiative recently introduced Consolidated Spend, Voucher Workflow, and Purchase Order Balance reporting.


Consolidated Spend report: This new report allows you to view all types of spend including BluCard, Catalog, Non-Catalog, and Forms. You can analyze the results by either the number or amount of transactions. Key questions the report addresses include:

  • What percentage of my overall spend is BluCard?
  • How often is my area using Payment Request or After the Fact forms compared to overall spend and campus spend?
  • What was my area's total spend for Fiscal Year 2014?

Voucher Workflow report: This new report allows you to view how long an invoice spent in the workflow approval process - shown by by complete workflow process, by department, or by central category. Track the average number of days the complete process took down to the average days spent in each approval step, and drill down to the invoice detail. Key questions the report addresses include:

  • What is the average number of days an invoice spends in the approval process in my area?
  • Am I meeting my department targets?
  • Do certain types of purchases (Payment Request vs. Non-Catalog) take longer to approve than others?

Purchase Order (PO) Balance report:  

This report provides detail to the existing PO Summary report. By clicking on a specific PO number in the PO Summary report, you see various drill through options (shown to the right).  


Clicking on 'Link to PO Balance Details' displays total PO Monetary Amount, total Voucher Monetary Amount, and estimated PO Balance. Key questions the report addresses include:

  • What is the remaining balance on a specific PO?
  • Which POs in my area can be closed?
  • What are available balances on my Amount Only POs?
Learning more

To learn about new functionality, view the instructional video series hosted by the Cal Answers Team, go to the Cal Answers Procure to Pay Learning Materials webpage.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on each of the following presentations. 

  • Introduction and Consolidated Spend Report (5 min)
  • Voucher Workflow Report (4 min)
  • PO Balance Report and Enhancements (8 min)

To find data descriptions and explanations of each report field, visit the Procure to Pay 'Report Documentation' Wiki


For definitions of report data elements, Procure to Pay Data Dictionary' Wiki.   


To learn more about overall Cal Answers' functionality and current initiatives to build the tool into a cohesive decision-support center, visit the Cal Answers website.


Getting in touch with the team

If you have questions or feedback for the Cal Answers Team, please contact Campus Shared Services IT Application Support at calanswers-help@berkeley.edu or 664-9000 (options 1, 2, 2).