November 13, 2020
Dear St. Martin’s Families,
Due to increasing COVID positivity rates in MD and AACO, I am sharing some important school-wide updates, enhancements, and expectations.
We remain fortunate to operate our school in-person, with the safety and well-being of our full community as our priority. Moreover, we have been fortunate to have not have any positive cases impact us. Much of the credit goes to our St. Martin’s families who have been exceptionally communicative about illnesses in their families, keeping students home in an abundance of caution – we thank you! However, things are evolving quickly, and we aim to be pro-active in mitigating risks for our school as well as prepare to pivot our teaching and learning program to distance learning should it be warranted.
Please know the School coordinates its decision-making and guidance with various local authorities including the AACO Health Department, the Episcopal Diocese of MD, AIMS, and our consulting/delegating medical professionals. In meeting with our School COVID Task Force this week, the following enhancements and measures have been determined:
Family Expectations
- Vigilance for symptoms, reporting symptoms, and keeping your child home for: cough, congestion, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, fever, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, muscle aches, and chills. Staff will be advised of the same.
Adherence to MD’s COVID-19 Travel and Gathering Advisory dated November 10 for upcoming holidays including testing and quarantining protocols as outlined. To ensure reliability, SMES asks families/staff to use the RT-PCR test rather than rapid tests.
- Gaiters and buffs will be prohibited until further notice. Masks should be multi-layered and hook behind ears. Please be sure your child keeps at least two back-up masks with them at school either in their backpack or locker.
Enhanced School Measures
- Return to an Enhanced Red Phase starting Tuesday, December 1. Some, but not all enhanced Red Phase measures will include: no gaiters/buffs, grade/class level cohorts, strict physical distancing for outdoor/indoor lunch, three mask breaks per day, frequent hand-washing, virtual chapel, and modifications to recess and Mustang Club.
Calendar Update and Staff Professional Development Day
The will be no school for students on Monday, November 23rd. SMES staff will use this full day for Professional Development. Thanksgiving break will begin at regular dismissal time on Friday November 20th, with school resuming on Tuesday, December 1st.
In the event that we need to temporarily move to distance learning, we will give priority to ensure preschool through 2nd grade remains in-person and onsite.
Please take a few moments to discuss these changes with your child(ren) so expectations are clear upon their return to school on December 1st. It is helpful to our staff if students understand that you support the measures being taken to keep them safe, healthy and physically in our building for school as we navigate the recent surge in state-wide COVID cases. St. Martin’s views your child’s education as a partnership between parents and the staff. Should your child be experiencing heightened anxiety during these challenging times, please know we are here to partner with you and your child to help them successfully manage their feelings.
Our own lives and our students’ and staff’s experiences at St. Martin’s have been altered through COVID. We remain so grateful for your understanding and attention as we work together to ensure a positive school year that can continue in-person. I wish you all a healthy and joyous Thanksgiving.
Jamey Hein, Head of School