Member Information
February, 2019
Happy February Members! Below are the highlights that you need to know about the Grand Lake Chamber. On the second week of each month, I will be circulating this to you with important member information. This will include dates of upcoming meetings, organizational updates, and opportunities to contribute. We are thankful for your continued support.


Top Ten to Know this Month
  1. Monthly Meeting: Monday, February 18th at 1:30 pm at Sagebrush
  2. Meeting Agenda: Click to Download the Agenda
  3. Draft Minutes: Click to Download the latest Draft Minutes
  4. Monthly Happy Hour: Monday, February 18th from 4- 6 pm at Sagebrush
  5. Monthly Coffee: Wednesday, February 2oth at 8:30 at Sagebrush
  6. Locations will rotate monthly, so keep an eye out to see which member we will be visiting next!
  7. Web Update: the Chamber purchased the domain and has moved our social handles to @gograndlake please update this for your tagging. Please bare with us as we await funding for a new and improved website and migrate our site to a more efficient server. We want to make our website the best it can be, so please take our survey HERE and provide your information if you would like to participate in our roundtable.
  8. Social Update: Have you joined our Members Only Facebook Page? If not, join now HERE.
  9. You can update our calendar, our calendar is open to the community- please add your events so we can share them with residents and visitors. Click HERE to add an event.
  10. Member Shout Out: Leona was able to move Jumpstart into her new space and is serving delicious coffee, teas and baked goods. Go say hi and check it out (it's at the end of Grand Ave, in the old Boot Hill building). Congrats Leona and thank you for your bright smile, the passion you bring to your work and your matcha lattes!