Coronavirus Update - Young Athletes & Developmental Sports Programs:
We wanted to share an update about the coronavirus (COVID-19) as it relates to Special Olympics programming here in Massachusetts, specifically our Young Athletes and Developmental Sports programs.  

As we are sure you can imagine, we have been monitoring the coronavirus situation across the state and at the strong recommendation of Special Olympics International, we have made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel all upcoming Special Olympics Massachusetts-hosted sports trainings and competitions that include Special Olympics athletes between now and March 31st. This includes all of our scheduled Young Athletes and Developmental Sports Programs. 

We do not make this decision lightly and want all of our athletes and families who have been looking forward to these programs hosted by our incredible volunteer partners to understand how much we appreciate their interest and dedication to Special Olympics. However, it is incumbent upon Special Olympics Massachusetts to make decisions that will ensure the health and safety of all in our community.

In the coming weeks, we will work with leadership across the Special Olympics movement and continue to monitor and evaluate developments that may impact our athletes, volunteers and partners as well as their communities. 

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