The Shadelands Scene
Community news, updates, and insights
Dear Shadelands Community,

For two and a half years, The Shadelands Scene has been your reliable source for Shadelands community news, updates, and insights. We've enjoyed bringing you announcements about new tenants and business expansions, details about Shadelands events and activities, and profiles of individuals and organizations that make Shadelands a vibrant and exciting destination business and lifestyle center. We are pleased to be your community communications resource and thankful to be welcomed into your mailboxes every month.

As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to monopolize our thoughts and daily lives, we are forgoing our traditional Shadelands newsletter format to express our concern for the physical and economic health of our Shadelands employees, businesses, and nonprofits, as well as our neighboring communities and regions up and down the state, across the nation, and around the world.

There are rules and regulations in place for staying safe and healthy, and for the consideration of the health and safety of others. Shelter in place is a mandated Public Health Order, not a guideline, and the Stay at Home order for Contra Costa County and its six neighboring counties has now been extended to May 3.

The Shadelands Scene strives to continue to be a valuable and dependable resource for our readers and Shadelands community at large. We encourage you to access authoritative and trusted resources for information and updates about the virus, mandated regulations, timelines, and what to expect in the weeks and months ahead. Three of the most trustworthy resources are:

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , CDC, with a robust website updated regularly on the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic with information, statistics, guidance, and resources.

•  Contra Costa Health Services , which updates its website with statistics, news releases, and videos by 1pm every day. Read CCHS's Stay Home FAQs .

• The Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce , which is building a valuable list of resources and links on its COVID-19 Resources Page for the benefit of businesses, nonprofits, and individuals, including economic relief and response sites.

We are traveling this long road together. Even in isolation, we are a community that cares about each other. Remarkable acts of kindness are happening in neighborhoods everywhere among friends and strangers. Many businesses are hiring people who now find themselves out of work because of closures. Delivery and store employees are working overtime, throughout the night, to keep shelves stocked and essentials available. Medical personnel and emergency responders are putting their own health at risk to care for others.

We offer our best wishes for good health and high spirits to you and yours during these unprecedented and most challenging times.

The Shadelands Scene Team
April 2020
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