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Dear TABC Family,
As we previously announced, t his year all of our Annual Campaign donations will be directly earmarked for tuition assistance.  Our hope and plan is that no one be denied the TABC experience because of financial considerations. To reach our goal of $1.3 million, we are encouraging 100% participation from our TABC family in this critical Scholarship Campaign and we need your help to do that!

Traditionally, TABC holds two major fundraisers each year - the Annual Dinner and the Scholarship Breakfast. This year, however, with all Dinner proceeds earmarked for the Scholarship Fund, we are not planning to have a Scholarship Breakfast. In lieu of making two separate gifts to TABC, we urge you to consider one larger gift when making your contribution this year. Because attendance at the Dinner this year involves no mandatory couvert for participation, your full gift will be tax-deductible.  

Year-end giving is generally the most popular time to give charitable gifts. This year, in particular, with the changes in tax deductions in 2018, it may be particularly advantageous to make your contribution in 2017.
Your tax deductible gifts can be made now online by credit card, by check, through a charitable fund, or stock transfer. You can also choose to make a pledge today, but pay your gift over time. We hope you will respond generously to this very important tzedaka opportunity and we thank you in advance for your continued support. 
Tizku l'Mitzvot,
Chaim Book & Mark Zomick

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