The Children’s Commission, in partnership with the Texas Center for the Judiciary, will host the 14th Annual Child Welfare Judges Conference at the Sheraton Austin Georgetown Hotel and Conference Center in Georgetown, Texas, on October 25-27, 2021. This year, there will be a pre-conference event on the opening day of the conference, followed by a full program. The pre-conference will start at 8:30 a.m. on Monday morning, October 25; the full conference opens midday following lunch on Monday, October 25; and the conference will end at noon on Wednesday, October 27. Registration for the pre-conference and the full conference is now open and is limited to judges who hear child welfare cases.
The pre-conference training, entitled “Essentials of Child Welfare Cases,” will focus on legal nuts and bolts as well as the importance of being trauma-informed, viewing families through an equity lens, including youth and family voice, making individualized reasonable efforts determinations, and being data-informed. The pre-conference is open to all judicial attendees. If you are interested in attending the pre-conference training, please check the "pre-conference" option when registering.
Three Continuing Judicial Education (CJE) hours and three Family Violence (FV) hours can be obtained by attending the pre-conference and the full 2021 Child Welfare Judges Conference program provides 12.75 CJE and FV hours. There is no registration fee. Please look for additional announcements about the agenda and speakers for this conference.
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