Resource Letter:

For Judges Handling Child Welfare Cases

January 9, 2023


Scholarships Re-Opened for NCJFCJ Conference in Dallas

Applications Due January 23rd

Last month, the Children’s Commission announced reimbursement scholarships for qualifying Texas judges to attend the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) 2023 National Conference on Juvenile Justice scheduled for March 19-22, 2023 in Dallas, Texas. The conference features several Texas speakers and plenary and breakout sessions on juvenile justice, trafficking, child welfare, and more. More information about the conference is available on the NCJFCJ website.

Many judicial scholarships were awarded in December, yet funds were not exhausted and some spots remain available. If you missed last month’s opportunity to apply, the Children’s Commission has re-opened this judicial scholarship application period until noon on Monday, January 23, 2023.

The Children’s Commission is offering two types of scholarships:

  • Reimbursement of registration plus eligible conference-related expenses, such as travel or lodging, up to $1,200 total, or
  • Reimbursement of registration only for judges in the Dallas area or those who do not require any travel assistance in order to attend.

To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must hear juvenile justice or child welfare cases. Preference may be given to judges who have larger percentages of their docket dedicated to child welfare cases and may also be determined by the applicant’s jurisdiction location, to encourage geographic diversity. All applicants must agree to complete a post-event survey from the Children’s Commission.

For more information about the scholarship and to submit an application, please click the button below.

Click to Apply

If you applied for this scholarship in December, you should have received notice of your scholarship status and do not need to submit another application. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

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