Resource Letter:
For Judges and Attorneys Handling Child Protective Services Cases
March 20, 2020
COVID-19 Resources Related to CPS Cases
Following the Supreme Court of Texas’ two recent Emergency Orders, the Children’s Commission has developed a webpage to share information and resources related to COVID-19 and its effects on child protection cases. The webpage has links to the Supreme Court of Texas’ Emergency Orders, orders issued by county, and helpful links to regional, state, and national resources that may be useful to judges and attorneys working on CPS cases under current limitations. 

Judges, if you have issued orders on child protection cases or are aware of such orders which are not already listed on this webpage, please share them with the Commission in PDF form by emailing them to [email protected] so that this webpage will continue to be a current and helpful resource.
The Children’s Commission is in communication with the Department of Family and Protective Services and is working on issuing guidance on visitation and other issues related to child protection cases so please stay tuned for additional information.
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For a complete list of Jurist in Residence Letters, please visit the Children's Commission webpage . Information provided by the Children’s Commission should not be read as a commentary by the Supreme Court of Texas or any other court. The Children’s Commission website is not equipped to facilitate dialogue or conversation about matters related to the information in this communique. For more information about the Children’s Commission, please visit our website .