Resource Letter:
For Judges and Attorneys Handling Child Protective Services Cases
May 17, 2021
May is Foster Care Month
There are over 423,000 children and youth in foster care across the country, and many faced increased isolation over the past year.

It is more critical than ever for communities to work together to identify the right mix of supports to establish meaningful connections for children and youth in care.
This year, National Foster Care Month focuses on how to strengthen these connections and the role of family and youth engagement at every stage. Judges and attorneys play a critical role to ensure all families and youth have meaningful involvement in court hearings and case planning and stay connected to their parents and extended support systems while in foster care. When it isn’t possible to meet in person, virtual engagement tools can be useful to preserving meaningful connections and engaging youth.
The coordinated efforts of all professionals involved can help guide families in achieving safety, permanency, and well-being for children. Examples of such collaboration can be heard in Reflections: Stories of Foster Care which highlights the importance of supportive relationships for youth and families.
For additional resources, please see the following:
How to Support Foster Care, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
Foster Care Month 2021 Website, Administration of Children and Families

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