Resource Letter:
For Judges and Attorneys Handling Child Protective Services Cases
January 17, 2019
Last Day to Submit Applications for May 2019 Hands-on Trial Skills Training
The Children’s Commission’s Trial Skills Training application deadline has been extended to midnight tonight, Thursday, January 17, 2019 . This will be the only opportunity to attend this hands-on training this year . For more information and to submit an application for the training, please visit the Trial Skills Training webpage . Designed for less-experienced attorneys handling CPS cases who want to improve their litigation skills, the Children’s Commission’s annual Trial Skills Training will be taught in San Marcos, Texas on May 8-10th, 2019. Space is limited to 21 attorneys who represent DFPS, parents, and/or children on CPS dockets.  
Upcoming Training: "Change vs. Checklist: Rethinking Phases, Recovery, and Reunification in Your Family Drug Court"
Families involved in the child welfare system and affected by parental substance use disorders face a difficult and arduous journey towards achieving their recovery and reunification within the timeframe established by law.
On Tuesday, January 22, 2019 from 1:00 pm CST until 2:15 pm CST, the Family Drug Court Learning Academy will host a web-based training about innovative approaches which Family Drug Courts have adopted to better assess and prepare families for successful recovery and reunification. The webcast is open to all child welfare stakeholders and is not limited to Drug Court teams.

Child Welfare Information Study
The Children’s Bureau invests in the development of resources and services for new and seasoned child welfare agency and legal professionals every year. Unfortunately, many of these products, tools, and opportunities do not reach everyone that could use them, or they aren’t designed to best meet the needs and preferences of this constantly changing workforce.

The Child Welfare Information Study aims to better understand how people who work and study in the field of child welfare use and access job-related information. By better understanding where you go for information and the technologies you use, the Children’s Bureau and national and local technical assistance providers will have data to help design more useful materials and make sure that you (and others like you) hear about these resources and can more easily find them.

To take the Anonymous Survey by January 28, 2019, please link here:

The survey, administered by the Child Welfare Information Gateway, covers questions about attorneys’ work; how attorneys access and use information; and attorneys’ preferences for professional training. This survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.

Attorneys’ responses will help to represent the national child welfare workforce. If you choose to participate, your responses will be anonymous, stored securely by the study team, and combined with many others so that patterns in behavior and preferences can be understood for larger groups. Participation is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time.

If you have any questions or concerns about this study, you may contact the study team via email at [email protected] or by phone at 833-804-8365.
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For a complete list of  Jurist in Residence Letters  and  Attorney Resource Letters , please visit the Children's Commission website. Information provided by the Children’s Commission should not be read as a commentary by the Supreme Court of Texas or any other court. For more information about the Children’s Commission, please visit our  website .