Resource Letter for Judges and Attorneys Handling Cases Involving Mental Health and IDD

May 16, 2023

This resource letter is designed to facilitate communication among the JCMH, the judiciary, attorneys, and mental health stakeholders. Please forward this letter to any judges, attorneys, mental health professionals, law enforcement, or other community and state leaders who might be interested. To ensure that you regularly receive this letter, please click on the subscribe button at the bottom of this page, if you have not already. 

You are invited


JCMH's Mental Health Court Webinar

Wednesday, May 31

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

A Mental Health Court is a type of specialty court treatment program that connects defendants with long-term community-based treatment. The courts use assessments, individualized treatment plans, and judicial monitoring to address both the mental health needs of individuals and public safety concerns of the local community. Join us to learn how you can create a specialty court in your county. Certificates of attendance will be provided.


For additional information and to register, please reference the information below. Please contact with any questions related to this event.

For a complete list of Resources, please visit the Judicial Commission on Mental Health webpage. Information provided by the JCMH should not be read as a commentary by the Supreme Court of Texas, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, or any other court. The JCMH website is not equipped to facilitate dialogue or conversation about matters related to the information in this communication. For more information about the JCMH, please visit our website.

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