Resource Letter:

For Judges and Attorneys Handling Child Welfare Cases

October 17, 2022

New Resources Now Available

The Children’s Commission recently released the following resources: the 2022 Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing DFPS, a pamphlet on fathers’ rights, and videos on the attorney-client relationship for children and youth.

2022 Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing the Department of Family and Protective Services in Child Welfare Cases

Developed by the Children’s Commission DFPS Representation Subcommittee, the recently updated 2022 Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing the Department of Family and Protective Services in Child Welfare Cases contains legislative changes and best practice suggestions to update the original 2018 publication of the tool kit. The updated tool kit includes changes made in the 87th Texas Legislative Session and new sections on service of citation and notice, interventions, alternatives to removal, court ordered services/motions to participate, reinstatement of parental rights, the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), and common abbreviations and acronyms. The tool kit also contains essential legal basics and topical chapters on concurrent and special issues related to child welfare cases including reasonable efforts, placement, visitation, and supporting older youth in foster care.

Tool Kit

Fathers' Rights in CPS Cases: What You Need to Know

The Children’s Commission Legal Representation Committee has completed a resource pamphlet highlighting fathers’ rights when involved in a CPS case. Modeled after the Commission’s What Does a Parent’s Attorney Do? pamphlet, the resource uses accessible language to inform fathers of their basic rights in child welfare legal proceedings and explains the different legal statuses for fathers. The pamphlet is available for PDF download on the Children’s Commission website. To request pamphlets for your jurisdiction, please contact the Children’s Commission at [email protected].


Youth Voice Video Series: Your Lawyer Works for You!

The Children’s Commission is pleased to announce a two-part video series designed for youth to explain the attorney-client relationship: “Your Lawyer Works for You.” The videos are a collaboration between the Children’s Commission and the Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) and features young adults formerly in foster care discussing their experiences with their attorneys, articulating basics about the attorney-client relationship, and helping youth understand how to resolve problems with their attorneys. The videos are available on the Children’s Commission website and the TNOYS YouTube Channel.

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