Resource Letter:

For Judges and Attorneys Handling Child Welfare Cases

March 6, 2025

Note: This announcement has been corrected to update the registration link below.

Now Available:

Utilizing Court Interpreters in Child Welfare Cases Replay and Materials

A recoding of the February 25, 2025, live webinar entitled “Utilizing Court Interpreters in Child Welfare Cases,” and PowerPoint presentation are now available on the Children’s Commission’s On-Demand Training and MCLE webpage.


Moderated by Hon. Charles Griffin, Judge of the Gulf Coast Children’s Court, panelists Leo Perales, Court Services Manager for Court Reporters & Interpreters at the Office of Court Administration, and Damaris Chavez, Attorney at Law at the Law Office of Damaris A. Chavez, shared best practices for including court interpreters throughout a child welfare case. The presentation covered legal requirements, logistics, client communication, and courtroom dynamics.    


The State Bar of Texas approved 1.0 hours of MCLE for the webinar.

Reminder - Upcoming Webinar:

Non-Party Participation in Child Welfare Mediations

The Children’s Commission will host a webinar on Friday, March 28, 2025, from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. entitled “Non-Party Participation in Child Welfare Mediations.”

Attorney Mediators Mark Briggs of Briggs & Associates, P.C. and Electra Watson of the Watson Law Firm will discuss considerations for including non-parties in child welfare mediations, including ethical issues that mediators and attorneys must be aware of and ensuring that agreements which include non-party participants are enforceable.

The State Bar of Texas has approved this webinar for 1.0 hour of MCLE. This course has also been approved by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization for 1 hour of certification and recertification continuing legal education requirements for attorneys and paralegals in the specialty fields of Child Welfare and Family Law. This presentation will be archived, and materials will be available on the Children’s Commission website following the live webinar.


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