Resource Letter:

For Judges and Attorneys Handling Child Welfare Cases

August 16, 2023

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Trauma History and Psychotropic Medication:

What Judges and Attorneys Need to Know

The Children's Commission will host a webinar entitled “Trauma History and Psychotropic Medication: What Judges and Attorneys Need to Know” on Thursday, September 7, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


This webinar will cover how having a patient’s complete trauma history can assist medical professionals with providing proper medical diagnoses and treatment plans. The discussion will also focus on duties, responsibilities, and best practice tips for attorneys representing parents and children in child welfare cases when psychotropic medications are or may be prescribed to a child.


Speakers include Hon. Delia Gonzales, Associate Judge of the Dallas County Child Protection and Permanency Court; Dr. Anu Partap, Medical Director of Health Equity at Cook Children’s Health Care System; Tiffany Crouch Bartlett, parent and child’s attorney in Central Texas, and Michelle Latray, parent and child’s attorney in Groesbeck, Texas.  MCLE and TBLS credits are pending.


Registration is limited and early registration is encouraged. The presentation and materials will be archived and available on the Children’s Commission website.

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