Dear HNPS Parents,

This letter is for parents whose children are registered to play Holy Name basketball. We are looking forward to the start of this year's basketball season with tomorrow's first practice. It will be another exciting year for the Eagles. I am grateful to Matt Mahoney, our basketball commissioner, and the dozen parents who have volunteered to coach. We would not have the program without them.

To ensure a successful season, I am sharing some expectations for players and parents. Please take a few minutes to review them. Last month, I met with our coaches to review the expectations we have for them and to develop some of the procedures outlined below.

Let's go Eagles,

Mr. Chisholm

Expectations for Student Behavior

Students are expected to behave as they would during the school day. Coaches should be shown the same respect that students show their teachers. Likewise, they should show respect to their teammates. During games, HNPS players should display sportsmanship to the other team, their coaches, and the referees.


The start and end of practices will be similar to the start and end of school. Upon arrival, please wait with your child at the main entrance (Door #4) until a coach opens the door to let the team in. Please do not drop off your child.

Once in the gym. students should follow the direction of the coaches so they can take attendance and begin practice.

At the end of practice, students will be dismissed from the side door of Parish Hall (Door #3); similar to how we dismiss on rainy days. Coaches will need to see a parent/guardian to dismiss a child (please don't wait in your car; please walk to Door #3).

Player Participation

Students are expected to attend practice as much as possible. During practices, players must participate in all drills. Students cannot sit out or engage in other activities during practices. Coaches cannot run practice and supervise students who are not willing to participate.


Please do not bring any basketballs from home. Basketballs will be available for the teams and coaches will take them out when they are ready.

Game Changer

The program uses Game Changer for scheduling and communication. Game Changer will always have the most up to date game information. Coaches try to be as fair as possible with playing time. It is really helpful if they know who will be in attendance for games ahead of time. Please use the RSVP feature to indicate whether or not your child will attend the games.

Respect Parish Hall

During games, please monitor children and siblings to ensure they are not in areas they should not be: hall kitchen, behind the stage curtain, etc. or using equipment not intended for basketball.

Holy Name Parish School | 617.325.9338 | 535 West Roxbury Parkway
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