Annual Water Line Flushing

Here's what you need to know:

Some customers may experience a temporary discoloration of water in the immediate area of flushing. If this happens to you, run cold water through your faucets for 15 minutes to flush out your lines. If you have any issues, give us a call at (828) 295-5200.

Sidewalk Repair

The sidewalk in the front of Town Hall is currently being repaved - you can use the planning and inspections entrance to the left of the Town Hall entrance. The construction should only last a few days.

Election Day: Tomorrow

Blowing Rock Voting Information:

The American Legion Building

333 Wallingford Street

Blowing Rock, NC

Caldwell County Voting Information:

County Board of Elections Office - Caldwell County

120 Hospital Ave NE

Lenoir, NC 28645

Shuford Recreation Center - Caldwell County

56 Pinewood Rd

Granite Falls, NC 2863

Polls are open from 6:30am until 7:30pm on Election Day at all locations.

For more information on voting click here.

To learn a little more about the Blowing Rock Town Council Candidates from the Watauga Democrat article covering the Candidate Forum, click here.

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