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Dear Howell Chamber Members,

The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that the two 2018 ballot proposals—one raising the minimum wage, including for tipped employees, and another establishing uniform paid leave benefits for all employees—will take effect on February 21, 2025. This decision overturns a previous Court of Appeals ruling and will significantly impact employers across all industries. On August 28th, the Michigan Chamber hosted a Town Hall webinar to provide businesses with an update on what to expect if the Court's decision stands “as is” and to outline critical next steps for urging lawmakers to support commonsense legislation that could mitigate the decision's impact on our local communities and economy.

Recap of Michigan Chamber Town Hall: Next Steps on Minimum Wage and Earned Sick Time

Your involvement in educating Michigan lawmakers about the impact of the Supreme Court's ruling on paid leave and minimum wage is essential. With the decision set to take effect in February, time is of the essence. It is crucial for lawmakers to hear directly from business leaders like you within the communities they represent-about the wages and benefits you offer and how this ruling could adversely affect Michigan's job providers, workers, and local economy.

Call to Action: Advocate for Practical Legislation

Act now by engaging with our state’s lawmakers. Share your experiences and urge them to support commonsense legislation to lessen the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision. See below for resources to help you get started.

What's Next:

This decision cannot be appealed and will have a significant impact on both job providers and workers. Employers need to understand the requirements, regardless of their industry, employee count, or current benefits, and actively engage with lawmakers.  Together, we can advocate for sensible legislation that supports Michigan's businesses and workers.  The Howell Chamber will continue to update you on developments related to the Earned Sick Time and Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Acts.

Chamber Resources:

You can now view the MI Chamber Town Hall recording, the presentation slides and the compliance toolkit.

Additional resources to get you started:

Send a ready-made email urging action:

Sample talking points


Go deeper: Read the full court briefing for more.



Janelle Smith

President, Howell Area Chamber of Commerce

Thank you to our 2024 Trustees!

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