September 9, 2022
Dear Westminster Members and Friends:
Former Westminster Preschool Director Jackie Stenmetz announced over a year ago that she would retire at the end of the 2021–2022 school season. Jackie has served as the Director since the Preschool’s inception over 25 years ago.  Because of other staff retirements this past summer, it was decided to celebrate Jackie’s service to Westminster in September
We plan to collectively recognize and celebrate Jackie in worship on Sunday, September 25th. Following the 9:30 AM service, we will hold a church-wide reception in Spellman Hall. 
We also want to give you an opportunity to contribute to a monetary “Love Gift” to be given to Jackie in worship on September 25th. Participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. If you would like to donate toward this gift, there are several ways to do so:
  • Check payable to “Jackie Steinmetz Celebration” can be mailed to: Ed McFalls at
                                                                       1114 Wilderness Trail
                                                                       Downingtown, PA 19335-4044

  • Check payable to “Jackie Steinmetz Celebration” can be sealed in an envelope and deposited into the Clerk of Session mailbox in the Church Office Copy Room; or
  • Electronically via Venmo to: @Ed-McFalls
If you have questions, please contact Ed directly at [email protected] or 610-585-3190. Please send contributions so Ed receives them by Friday, September 23rd for inclusion in the gift presented on Sunday the 25th.   
We hope you will join us in person on September 25th to help express our appreciation to Jackie for her founding efforts and superb leadership in serving so many Westminster and community families through the Preschool’s great programs.
In Christ’s Service,
Geoff Smith, Chair
WPC Personnel Committee

Ed McFalls
Clerk of Session