Big news around here for 2025, what may be the most important initiative that I’ve been a part of here at Memorial. We’re calling it “MBC Next Generation,” and everyone is invited and encouraged to participate. It’s all about taking stock of our church in our post-COVID context, doing some self-study, asking and discussing important questions, and then seeking God’s vision, dreaming God’s dream for the future mission and ministry of our church.
It all begins with a Churchwide Retreat on Saturday, January 25, 9:00 – 3:00, here at the church. Please, please put that date on your calendar and make it a real priority. Don’t let anything keep you from being part of this vital beginning. Two follow-up retreats are scheduled for April 26 and June 21 as indicated below.
In addition, we will be forming five work groups to dive into different parts and particulars of our church. You can decide which of the five teams best suits your interest and involvement. Hopefully, everyone can find a way to join in and be helpful in one of these work groups:
· Structures and Staffing
· Building Community
· Designs for Discipleship
· God-Exalting Worship
· Impacting Our World
In addition to the retreats and the work group sessions, we will be hosting a Neighborhood Summit on March 9, bringing together all of the local social services and community leaders including our local schools and economic development leaders. We hope to get a clearer picture of the needs in our area as well as explore potential partnerships in our community.
So, let me ask you to be a part of this history-making, future-determining process here at Memorial. Please check out the schedule below and put the dates on your calendar. I know, it’s a lot to ask, a big commitment on your part. Three Saturdays and four Sundays after church over the next six months seems like a lot, and you may be tempted to let others carry the ball this time while you stay on the sideline. Please don’t. The more of us who participate, the better the end result will be. Your thoughts and input matter a great deal, a precious part of the process.
I know you love your church, and care deeply about the years ahead and the generations to follow. Let’s all do our part to find God’s direction and plan for the journey ahead. Here’s the schedule for MBC Next Generation:
· Churchwide Retreats, Saturdays, 9:00 – 3:00: Jan. 25, Apr. 26, Jun. 21.
· Work Groups, Sundays, 11:30 – 2:00: Feb. 23, Mar. 23, May 18
· Neighborhood Summit, Sunday, Mar. 9, 12:00 – 3:00
We hope to develop a fresh, Spirit-led vision, a strategic plan for the future of Memorial Baptist Church, to be presented to the congregation in September and fully implemented, step by step, in the following months and years.
Here’s our chance to make a difference, to bless the coming generations with a well-prepared, invigorated and empowered church. Will you help us create such a legacy?
Let’s do this together.
Blessings, - Drew