

Welcome to our e-newsletter for parents, families and supporters with students living in residence. 

Subscribe to receive information and resources to help you support your student's residence experience. 

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Check-in with your students about... 

As you and your student start to prepare to arrive on our beautiful campus on September 3, here are some things you can check in with your student about.

  • Declaration of Vaccination Status - required to pick a move-in time
  • Move-In Time Slot selection - choose from 4 blocks to support your smooth arrival on Saturday, September 3
  • Pre-Arrival Online Learning - required before move-in
  • Student ID card photo - Submit online in SOLUS ASAP!
  • Fall Term Residence Fees - due September 1

Planning to stay in Kingston?

Explore weekend accommodation options in the city. 

Search local accommodation listings

Move-In Day Tips!

Getting to Residence

Each residence building is assigned a colour zone and coded map. Follow the driving directions for your zone on the map, as Google Maps or other GPS systems will not account for day-of street closures and re-routes.

Zone Cards

Print your student's zone card (in colour if possible) and put it on your front windshield so volunteers can easily direct you!

Print your Zone Card

Stop, Drop, Park 

When you arrive at your student's residence building, we will be using a stop, drop, and park model:

  • Pull up in front of the building.A driver must stay with your vehicle at all times. 
  • Unload your student's belongings.
  • Move your vehicle to your designated parking lot while your student starts to move their belongings into their room.
  • Volunteers will be on hand to help!

One Drop-Off

Every student is permitted one Move-In Day drop-off in front of their residence building.

  • Any other purchases and belongings must be brought to the building from your designated parking lot.

One Vehicle

Bring only one car when dropping off your student - there is limited available parking available on Move-In Day.

Student Affairs Information Booths

Visit Student Affairs staff at Leonard Field and in Jean Royce Hall lobby on the big day, snap a special Queen’s photo and get your questions answered.

Dining Options during Move-In Day

Visit one of our campus retail food locations on Move-In Day!

September 3 Food Locations and Hours 
  • Dining halls open for students as of dinner on September 3.
  • The Hospitality Services office located in Victoria Hall at 75 Bader Lane will be open during select hours from Saturday, September 3 - Monday, September 5
  • Bring your water bottle! Queen's is a plastic water bottle-free campus. We have filling stations available across campus. 

Saying Goodbye

Your student's first meeting with their floormates and Don is at 4:00 pm on Saturday, September 3.

Plan to say goodbye to your student before then so they can start their orientation to residence and to Queen’s! 

Important Dates

August 24 - Parents, Families, and Supporters Webinar, 7:00 pm ET

September 1 - Fall-term Residence fees and Fall Tuition and Student Assistance Levy payments due.

September 3 - Residence Move-In Day - First floor meeting: 4:00 pm ET

September 6 - Fall term classes begin

September 7-30 - Optional Ancillary Fee and Health/Dental fee opt-out periods

September 30 - Ancillary Fees payment due

September 30 - Tuition and Residence Fees due for students receiving OSAP

September 30 - Deadline to opt-out of the Residence Property and Liability Insurance

From one supporter to another

"I moved my daughter into Waldron Tower last year, and I could not be happier with how smooth the process was. The staff and volunteers were all very helpful, making a stressful day easy and exciting for all of us.

A helpful tip for parents moving their students in is that you don't have to have everything they need the day you move in. For my daughter, we spent so long thinking about every single possible thing she could need; in reality, she didn't need much of it. So bring the basics, and figure out the rest once they've settled into their space."


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