July 21, 2022
Last Sunday, members of our congregation gathered together at our new home at the Jewish Collaborative of San Diego to share in a significant moment in Holy Cross’ history. Not only was this a chance to see and experience the beautiful new worship and community space for the first time, but it was also a chance to hear from our Visioning Team about the culmination of many months of hard work in the crafting of our Strategic Plan. After a review of the team’s work in refining and defining Holy Cross’ identity, vision, purpose, and values, we launched into a robust congregational discussion about the goals and objectives specified in the plan.

The group discussions, facilitated by members of our VT, generated a great deal of valuable feedback and ideas from our members. Some key points raised were:

  • Keeping our website and social media presence updated in a timely fashion, and also making sure our online materials are accessible to people with disabilities
  • Addressing issues with livestream audio.
  • Identifying leaders to maintain consistent spiritual growth and formation programs
  • Reaching out to seniors and others in need in our immediate neighborhood
  • Understanding how to counter the effects of the pandemic on community activities

I know that many of us were also anxious to hear about the action steps associated with these goals and objectives. We chose not to discuss these at the meeting due to time constraints – let’s put it this way: Holy Cross has a lot planned for the next five years! However, the congregation’s suggestions were compared with the existing actions in the plan and several minor updates and additions were made to improve the final plan. These will be shared with the congregation very shortly once the complete plan is reviewed by Bishop Susan and Canon Jason Evans. I also believe that you will find many of the questions and concerns raised in the meeting will be addressed in the specific action steps.

One other suggestion that came up frequently in the discussion was the need to reach out to members of Holy Cross that have stopped attending church. This is something that members of the VT, including myself, have been engaged in throughout the visioning process, and we will continue to maintain contact with everyone who chooses to remain on our congregational roster. I anticipate that some of these members may return with our move back to South Carlsbad. However, it is also essential for Holy Cross to grow and attract new members if we want to be able to fulfill the vision outlined in our plan. This will take the effort of every one of our current members – not just one individual or even a team, but a whole community that is dedicated to sharing our message of Open Minds, Open Arms in South Carlsbad! I want to thank all our members who attended the meeting for your openness, honesty, patience, and dedication to this community. It is that dedication that makes us who we are and fills me with confidence that we will grow into this new vision of who God is calling us to be. I hope that all of you came away from this meeting with renewed energy and a sense of purpose for the journey ahead – now let’s get it started!

In Christ,
Photo by Linda Collier
We're Moving Back to South Carlsbad!

Hopefully, this isn't coming as a surprise to anyone! Effective August 1st our new home will be in South Carlsbad as we begin this next phase of our journey and our new space-sharing relationship with Jewish Collaborative of San Diego (JCo). Our physical move begins next week as we transition our office space, sacristy, livestreaming and audio equipment, and miscellaneous other items to our new location and prepare for our first Sunday service at JCo on Sunday, August 7th. Our mailing address, phone number and office email remain the same!

So, what happens with Sunday Worship between now and then? Please see below for specific information on worship for the next three Sundays.

This Sunday July 24
9am at Oceanside Sanctuary

Please join us for our last service and coffee hour at Oceanside Sanctuary this Sunday, July 24th. We give thanksgiving to our hosts Oceanside Sanctuary for our time at our "campsite" as we discerned where our new home would be. This service will be livestreamed as usual.

Next Sunday July 31
Special Beach Mass - 9am
at Buccaneer Park in Oceanside

Next Sunday, July 31st, we will have a special Beach Mass at Buccaneer Park in Oceanside followed by a potluck brunch and beach party. Bring your beach or lawn chair and a breakfast/snack item to share (pastries, fruit, coffee cake, etc.) and join us as we celebrate summer and time together. Drinks will be provided. The service will take place in the park -- just look for our canopy. Parking is available in both the parking lot and adjacent street parking. Please note: we are unable to provide a livesteam from the park so there will be no online option this Sunday. As a reminder we offer Evening Prayer every Wednesday via Zoom.

Buccaneer Park

Sunday August 7
First Worship Service at JCo!
9:30am - NEW Service time

Sunday, August 7th, is our first service at our new home with JCo. Please note: our service will begin at 9:30am. This will be our new start time going forward as we are staggering service start times with Christ Presbyterian Church, JCo's building is on their campus. You will find parking in the lot directly across the street from JCo or on the street. (If you park on the street please be mindful to not park in front of the fire hydrant located just before the ramp entrance to JCo, and in front of the entrance to the community garden, there is no red curb but Carlsbad police will issue tickets!). We hope to have our livestream up and operating for this service!!

We will use the month of August to get settled and work out the "kinks" before we begin advertising to the wider community about our return to Carlsbad.

Jewish Collaborative of San Diego (JCo)

We hope you will join us for each of these special services and please help spread the word to Holy Cross members.
Will You Join Us?

WOW! What a difference from last October, when we were unsure who our next clergy leader would be and where we were being called to make our home. Now, Fr. Brian is our interim Priest-in-Charge and we are moving to our new home on August 1st. And, those who came to the Congregational Forum this past Sunday had the opportunity to hear from Visioning Team members highlights of our visioning process and the Goals and Objectives from our Strategic Plan. We are now firmly headed in a new and exciting direction.

We have spent over a year at our “campsite” and have appreciated the hospitality of Oceanside Sanctuary. But now it is time to look forward to our new home, the work to be done and new horizons to explore. Working together in loving relationships, we can, and will, accomplish much. However, it will take the support of everyone and we need your help to move forward!

We ask ALL to prayerfully consider joining in this period of “Renewal”: a renewal of our Spirit, a renewal of our dedication to Holy Cross, and a renewal of our relationships with one another.
As a part of the renewal, we are asking everyone in the congregation to prayerfully reconsider your 2022 pledge decision. If you were not able to pledge last December, are you able to now? If your pledge was not at the level you hoped for, can it be adjusted now?
It is an exciting time to be a member of Holy Cross. We hope you will join us and support us on this journey. If you are able to assist financially, please complete and return the form we mailed to your home or use the online form below. Thank you to those who have already completed your Renewal! form.

Click here to complete your Renewal! form!
Holy Cross at Pride San Diego

Holy Cross and churches throughout the Episcopal Diocese joined St. Paul's Cathedral in the San Diego Pride Parade this past Saturday. We were happy to return after the parade and Pride festival was on hiatus for the past two years due tot he pandemic. You may see more photos here by Susan Forsburg.
Is your email cutting off the full newsletter? - If you see a message at the end of your email that says something like "[Message clipped] View entire message" click on the "view entire message" link and the full newsletter will open - you may also click on the "View Entire Newsletter" link at the top of the newsletter (it's safe) and it will open the full newsletter in a new browser.
Worship at Holy Cross
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost:
July 24, 2022 at 9:00 AM
YouTube & Online.Church   
*Masks required for unvaccinated.
People who have other high-risk factors are also encouraged to wear a mask
Custom painted Episcopal Shield on Pride background by Kristen Wheeler - modern iconographer, painter, photographer, writer, explorer and postulant to the diaconate of the Episcopal Church. Kristen has graciously offered her artwork to other churches for free use.
We use a screen to project the service bulletin. If you prefer your own worship booklet please download the booklet using the button below to your phone or tablet, or print a copy at home, and bring it with you. Thank you for helping us to be better stewards of God's creation (reducing paper waste).
Video on Demand (VOD): Miss last Sunday's service? All past service video's are available on our YouTube channel here.

Rooted in ancient monastic tradition, this is a perfect way to end the day. Watch for our mid-week check-in newsletter with the service links.

Christian Formation

Adult Formation

Stay tuned for upcoming programs
Calling All Godly Play Kids!
on hiatus for the Summer

Godly Play is grounded in the Montessori tradition and uses special materials and storytelling that invite the children into scripture and church tradition.

For more information please contact Sue Baas.
Upcoming Ministries & Events
All Saints Cemetery Clean-Up
on hiatus during summer
9:30 am - 10:30
200 Peyri Road in Oceanside,
next to Heritage Park

Our All Saints clean up is on hiatus for the summer. Stay tuned for fall when cleanup visits to the cemetery will resume and help us maintain this lovely historic Episcopal property!
Wounded Warrior Battalion West - Camp Pendleton

We deliver healthy snacks to the Wounded Warrior Battalion staff and the Marines and sailors recovering from wounds, injury and illness.

Contact Tom Mauro at 847.989.0305 for more information about this ongoing ministry or for how you might participate.
Outreach Opportunity
St Mark's back 2 School Bash

Our sister church, St. Mark's, in City Heights, annual back 2 School Bash on Saturday August 13th, provides their neighborhood children—from refugee and low-income families–with new backpacks and supplies so that they start each new school year with pride and joy. While we won't be fundraising for backpacks this year we are looking for volunteers to help - there are two options: 1) at the day of the event, August 13 or 2) on stuffing backpacks on August 3rd at 5pm. If you are interested please contact Rev. Brian at pastor@holycrosscarlsbad.org.
Immigration Ministry Update

For the past six years, Holy Cross’ Immigration Ministry has provided assistance to one of our parishioners, a Nigerian refugee who is seeking asylum in the United States. This assistance has come in the form of legal help, job and housing assistance, and spiritual and emotional support. The ministry has been made possible by the work of many of our members and by the financial donations of our congregation. At this time, our parishioner (whose name is withheld from this newsletter due to safety concerns) is facing additional roadblocks in his legal struggle for asylum, and Holy Cross is once again re-establishing the Immigration Ministry fund to help with his legal fees. Your donations to this fund are greatly appreciated at this time, as well as your prayers. Donations can be made via check made out to Holy Cross with “Immigration Ministry” in the memo line, or via any of our electronic payment platforms. If you have any questions about this ministry, please contact Rev. Brian via phone or email. 

Visioning Ministry
Visioning Update

The Visioning Team met on Sunday, July 10th, for our very last working meeting! Since our last gathering in June, where we worked on Goals and Objectives, the BC was charged with working on the action steps for each of our Objectives. Spring-boarding off of that work, our first task this last Sunday was to review all of our Goals, Objectives, and Actions. Each Goal has subsequent Objectives, and each Objective has action steps. As we worked on refining these items, we found that something might seem a little off, then A-HA! someone suggests placing that objective under a different goal and it all makes sense! The team is so familiar with the material after months of diving deep, it really seems that we have developed a sixth sense as to how it all flows together. We have been dedicated to contesting concepts, listening compassionately to each other, and making sure everyone felt satisfied with our final product. To review, our Goals are: Stewardship, Communications, Spiritual Growth and Discipleship, and Outreach and Evangelism. Take special note of our expansive view of stewardship - its not just financial, but also how we take care of ourselves and the environment - being stewards of all of the gifts God has given us! 
While the Goals and Objectives are a very meaty part of our deliverables, the big report is our Holy Cross Strategic Plan. This report gives some background and financial information about Holy Cross, but most importantly helps guide us for the future. The Purpose, Identity, and Values statements that we shared with you earlier in this process are included, as well as the Vision for our future. Finally, the way we are going to carry out these ideals is detailed in our Goals, Objectives, and Actions. Together all of this information will guide us as we move forward for the next 5 years. Likewise, this report will be integral in sharing with the world who we are and how the Holy Spirit is moving within our congregation. The whole team is thrilled to have (nearly) completed this important work (there are still a few final edits occurring). 
The team would especially like to recognize Karen Sanchez for her incredible work getting the first draft together. Yes, she is our Senior Warden and therefore is very invested in the final product, but she went above and beyond, taking on the lion's share of the initial work on the report so that the team could have a great working draft to start from. Likewise we would like to thank Allan Dorsey for his excellent facilitation of our group. He was effective at "herding cats" keeping us on task, as well as nimbly shifting agendas more than once when it was clear the group needed to go in a different direction. 
We, the Visioning Team, are very much looking forward to our congregational meeting this Sunday, July 17th... IN OUR NEW SPACE!! It's going to be great to share the gist of our Strategic Plan with you all and we are likewise excited to hear what you think about it. Please try to join us, it is so important to be able to exchange ideas together. And finally, thanks for staying engaged through this entire Visioning process. 

Katie Ho, Junior Warden
Giving and Tithing
Thank you to all for your continued pledges and donations. These are integral to our ability to continue our mission, ministries, as well as to stay current on all of our financial obligations.

You may find information about how your pledges and donations support Holy Cross in the Controllers Report published each month in the Bishop's Committee (BC) section of this newsletter. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Warden's, Karen Sanchez and Katie Ho, or any member of the BC if you have questions or would like additional information on our finances or any aspect of Holy Cross.
MAILING ADDRESS: 2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009
Bishop's Committee

Bishop's Committee (BC) meetings are the third Tuesday of the month from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. The next regular BC meeting is TUESDAY, July 26, 2022** via Zoom.

** At the June meeting BC moved future meetings to the fourth Tuesday of the month.

If there is something for which you wish to bring to the BC's attention, you may reach out to our Clergy-in-Charge, Brian Petersen, our Wardens, Karen Sanchez and Katie Ho, or any BC member. Their contact information is at the bottom of the newsletter, also in the church roster, or you may reach them at the church office: holycross@holycrosscarlsbad.org.

Meetings are open and anyone may attend. Please reach out to Karen Sanchez for the Zoom link if you wish to attend.

You may read the approved May Minutes here; Controllers Report here; Clergy-in-Charge Report here; and Sr. Warden's Report here.

Pastoral Care
If you have a pastoral emergency and are unable to reach anyone at the church office, 760.930.1270, then always call our Priest-in-Charge, Brian Petersen, at 442.320.0548. If you are unable to reach Brian+ please call our Sr Warden, Karen Sanchez, at 808.494.0558.
Please hold all on our prayer list in your prayers:
If you would like to be added to the Prayers for Comfort, or would like to add someone else (please get their permission first) or add a family member to the Prayers for the Departed, please contact the church office at: email holycross@holycrosscarlsbad.org or 760.930.1270. Please mention 'Prayer List' in the Subject line and include whether the prayer request is for "Comfort" or for the "Departed".

Individuals will remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks. Please contact the office if you wish to have someone added for another 4 weeks.
Prayer for our Clergy-in-Charge:
For Rev Brian Petersen, protect, nourish and sustain him through the work of the Holy Spirit. May he find rest and encouragement in the loving care of God and this congregation.

Prayers for Thanksgiving
For our hosts at Oceanside Sanctuary, for this community of Holy Cross.

Prayers for Comfort:
Randy Echito, Art Wahl, Tom Andreas, Arlene Cull, Ann Mauro, Paul Vanderpool, Barb Ross, Mia, Sandra Rindge, Mike Collier, George Fern, Fr. Vic Krulak, Jim Backoff & Terry McClain & family, Judy Cater, all who have been affected by the COVID-19 virus, all who have been affected by gun violence, and those who have no one to pray for them.

Prayers for the Departed
We commend to God all who have died, especially John Erickson, Barbara Schnelker, those who have lost their lives to the COVID-19 virus and those who have lost their lives to gun violence.

Prayers for those celebrating Birthdays
Lupe Ortega

Prayers for those celebrating Anniversaries
none this week

Prayers for those Traveling
Mike Collier

Anglican Cycle of Prayer
We pray for the Church in Wales

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
We pray for St. Mary’s in-the-Valley, Ramona
For the growth of multi-cultural ministries in our diocese, and for our Bishop and all bishops attending the Lambeth Conference

The people of Ukraine and Russia; for peace; all communities affected by gun violence
Notes of Care
Thinking of you. Humming bird watercolor card illustration
If you would like to be added, or suggest someone to be added (please get their permission first) to Notes of Care please contact the church office at: holycross@holycrosscarlsbad.org or 760.930.1270

Note: If you have lost a member of your family and would like us to include you and your family in "Notes of Care" please provide the name and relationship of your loved one, the date they entered into glory, and the address of where you would like notes of care sent.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers those who are unable to be with us in worship and reach out to them to let them know they are missed.

Tom Andreas
1930 W San Marcos Blvd Spc 234
San Marcos, CA. 92078

Arlene Cull
4714 Athos Way
Oceanside, Ca 92056

In the Diocese and Beyond
By: Bishop Susan Brown Snook

This year, General Convention began to redefine the Book of Common Prayer. I mentioned this development in my recap of General Convention on July 12. But exactly what happened, and why does it matter?

The first thing to understand is that the Book of Common Prayer is a vital symbol of the unity of the church. When the first BCP was developed by Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer in 1549, it demonstrated the hope that the Protestant and Catholic wings of the Church of England could end the conflicts of the Reformation by praying together. It was also the first time the people of England could worship in their own language, participating fully and understanding the prayers and readings. This dedication to praying in a way that people can understand and share is a core commitment of our church – which is why the Book of Common Prayer has often been revised to reflect evolving language and culture. Read More
Creation Care 101
Thinking about starting a Creation Care ministry but need more information on creation care? Consider participating in Creation Care 101, a free program, toolkit, and community-building resource designed for the church. More information here.
DSJC Invites You to Network
The Diocesan Service & Justice Coalition is a group of dedicated service/outreach and peace/social justice coordinators who gather to network and share ideas and collaborate on projects to make a greater impact in our community. More information here.
Environmental Summer Film Fest
Grab some popcorn and join the Environmental Summer Film Festival on Wednesday, June 22, July 27, and August 24. More information and to sign up here.
Godly Play Training Retreat
In partnership with Christ Church Coronado, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is pleased to offer a Godly Play Core Training Retreat on August 19-21. Sign up here.
Summer Camp, Family Camps & Wilderness Trips

Something great for ALL ages at our Diocesan Camp Stevens in Julian! Over 250 acres of forests, trails, gardens, buildings, team-building challenges, and outdoor play areas. Learn more about our unique programs on our website.
Read all the latest from this weeks diocesan newsletter here
Good News Festival Updates
Book Your Room
Book your room for the Good News Festival and capitalize on this exclusive room rate at the Town and Country Resort: here

Have you heard the latest Good news?
The Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be joined by social justice leader, The Rev. Dr. William Barber! Two of the greatest public speakers in a generation, AND The Voices of Our City choir! You may remember this street choir from America's Got Talent where they were honored with the 'Golden Buzzer' for their performance. Read more here.

Sign up for the Good News Festival and receive VERY EXCITING NEWS about this amazing, upcoming event. Sign Up Here
Staff and Leadership
Our Clergy
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook ***
Clergy-in-Charge: The Rev. Brian Petersen, Deacon - pastor@holycrosscarlsbad.org
Brian's+ is available for Zoom or phone call meetings on Tuesday afternoons, Thursdays, & Friday afternoons and at the office on Sundays. Please schedule at time using this link: https://calendly.com/rev-brian/. If you have a pastoral emergency please email or text him (442.320.0548). If you are unable to reach him please contact Karen Sanchez, our Sr. Warden.

Bookkeeper: Muriel Wahl
Controller: Erin Sacco Pineda, CPA - ESP Accounting
AV Tech Guru: Jack Cater
AV Tech Asst: Finley Dicus
Admin/Communications Coord: Ryan Cagle

Leadership - Bishop's Committee ("BC")
Sr. Warden: Karen Sanchez - seniorwarden@holycrosscarlsbad.org
Jr. Warden: Katie Ho
Members at large: Mike Collier, Allen Zych
Treasurer: Grant Ford
Clerk: Robyn Hill

Contact information:
Church office: 760.930.1270
Mailing address: 2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, CA. 92009
To contact any of our staff or BC members that do not have an email address listed above please use the church email address, your message will be forwarded to the individual. If you wish to contact them in confidence please indicate that in your message and we will ask the individual to contact you.

As a reminder, our staff work remotely. The office email and voice mail is monitored regularly. In the event of a pastoral emergency please contact Rev Brian. If you are unable to reach him then please contact Karen Sanchez, our Sr. Warden.

*** To contact the Bishop's office or another member of the diocesan staff ("EDSD"):
EDSD phone: 619-291-5947
EDSD staff directory: https://edsd.org/staff/

This communication provides you with information about Holy Cross and our Ministries. For comments or possible contributions, please email the editor at
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