The Vines Community Association Newsletter

The Vines

Issue #122 May 17, 2022

Board News

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Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held May 23rd at 1:00p.m. via Zoom. The Zoom link will emailed to you Friday by Pegasus.

At the April 25th BOD meeting the board voted to adopt a resolution to require a full audit of the association financial statements every three years beginning with the year ended 12/31/22.

The Vines CA News

Installation of New Roadway Lighting

The old bollard lights along the roadway will be replaced with new led lights of a similar style before the end of June. Parts are no longer available for the current lights and are corroding at the base. Please exercise caution when driving at night as some of the old lights have ceased to function.

New Trash and Recyclables Collection Dates

Effective May 17 trash and recyclables will be collected on Tuesdays.  This is a permanent schedule change.  Please make note of it.

Protect Your Investment

Recently several Vines residents have had unpleasant experiences with unlicensed and/or uninsured contractors and found it necessary to hire a different contractor to complete their projects.  This is not only costly but can greatly delay project completion.

To protect yourself when hiring vendors and contractors to do work inside or outside your home be sure that they have an up-to date license and insurance. To further protect yourself you should be named on their insurance certificate. And, finally, check their references!

Front Entrance Annuals

New annuals are coming soon to the front entrance.  The heavy rains and hail on April 30th and May 2nd damaged nursery stock of annuals limiting supply.  Supply is recovering and should be install within the week.

Meet The Neighbors!

Photos courtesy of Norm Berger

Estero News


Get Involved Beyond Our Gates

The ECCL is a non-partisan, non-political, volunteer civic advocacy organization working at a grassroots level to serve as the "Voice of the People" and advocate for positive change in the Village of Estero.

To learn more about ECCL click on the link below.

Visit ECCL Website

Important Contacts


Village of Estero

Your Councilmember is

Jon McClain


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Non-emergency police:


Hurricane hotline:



The Vines Community Association is managed by:

Pegasus Property Mgt.,

8840 Terrene Ct.

Bonita Springs, FL 34135


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