August 23, 2023

Welcome back to school!

Wonderful Wednesday! and welcome back to school. We are almost through the second week of the school year and it has been a hot one. First, we wanted apologize for any bumps along the way. We think we have resolved PikMyKid and dismissal should flow better. The good news is, the school year is a marathon and not a sprint and like Apostle Paul once wrote, we will "run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus."

One final note, please read through one of the two messages below. We are and will continue to work on making Madison Campus Elementary school a safe and warm place to be. Thank you for your help and prayers along the way. God is good, and all the time.

Many thanks,

Geoff McRae

Elementary Principal

Message from the Principal

English Message
Spanish Message

Message from Home & School

It’s hard to believe the summer is over, and school is in session!

This year, we welcome the return of MCE Home and School, which has been missing for a few years. Home and School aims to promote better communication between our school and the parents.

Home and School cannot function without the home or, in other words, without you, the parents. Please prayerfully consider volunteering with Home and School. Please indicate your interest by filling out the short survey below.

Let’s work together for a successful and memorable school year!


Next Week's Hot Lunch

If you'd like to arrange lunch for your children, we've got a couple of convenient options available for you. You can easily place your lunch orders through RenWeb, our user-friendly online platform. Alternatively, you can reach out to our friendly office staff, and Ms. Kenia will be delighted to assist you. Just call her at 615-865-4575, and she'll get you all set up!

Class T-Shirt Order

Hey there! We've shared this link before to help us get those awesome class t-shirts ordered. However, we noticed that quite a few children are still missing from our list. Could you please take a moment to fill out the form? Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

T-Shirt Order

Upcoming Events @ MCE

  • September 4 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
  • September 11-22 - MAP Fall Testing
  • September 22 - Grandparents/Stem Fair Day
  • September 27 - See you at the Pole
  • September 27-29 - Outdoor Leadership 7th and 8th Grade

To add our calendar to your device, simply click on the button below. Let's stay connected, have fun, and make this school year one for the books!

MCE Calendar

Other News

3rd grade is on a mission to collect pop tabs, and we need your help to make it pop!

So, before you go popping open another fizzy drink, save those tabs! Mrs. Stephens is our official Pop Tab Queen, and she's waiting to see your shiny contributions. Let's make it a pop-tab-tastic adventure together!


Spike into Action: Volleyball Sport News

Volleyball Weekly News
Season Volleyball Schedule

Cross Country Sports Updates

Cross Country Weekly News

Two required documents for your child to play Madison games:

  1. Sports Physical (SP) - Use any medical professional's SP clearance form or the generic one on the link below. Do it ASAP. Contact Ron Frasier (619) 818-0323 for assistance, but make an appointment.
  2. Athletic Packet (AP) - Complete it via the link below. Takes about 30 minutes.

Generic Sports Physical Form
Athletic Packet

 “I pray that you ... may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Ephesians 3:18, 19, NIV

Geoff McRae

Elementary Principal

Office: 615.865.4575

Mobile: 209.454.7690

email Mr. G

Luis Reyes

Business Manager

Office: 615.865.4055

Mobile: 615.495.5208

email Mr. Reyes

Kris Fuentes

Academy Principal

Office: 615.865.4055

Mobile: 615.906.9644

email Mrs. Fuentes