I would like to thank all who attended the Memorial Day Ceremony at our War Memorial site. The ceremony included an invocation by the Reverend Lisle J. Kauffman, the Mayors Comments, Flag Ceremony, Honor Guard and the Tolling of The Bell Ceremony. As we finished the ceremony, I noticed how wonderful Round Lake’s war memorial is. In reading the plaques, I noted that June 5
will mark 20 years since the war memorial was dedicated.
The memorial - located in Downtown Round Lake on the corner of Cedar Lake Road and Route 134 - provides a reminder in our everyday, busy life that we owe it to all the men and women that have served our country. The memorial also offers those a place to reflect on the military family members that are currently serving or have served. The beauty of the sculpture and the flowing water of the fountain provides peace for those that need it.
On behalf of the Village of Round Lake, I would like to thank the Grieve Corporation for their donation and inspiration to Round Lake’s war memorial. The community spirit of the Grieve Corporation to give back to their community helps make Round Lake successful and a wonderful place to live.
If you have any comments, questions or ideas you would like to see included in the e-newsletter, please email me at
Mayor Dan MacGillis
Water System Interconnection –
Partnership Between Lake County Public Works and the Village of Round Lake
Lake County and the Village of Round Lake have agreed to construct an interconnection between the Brooks Farm and Round Lake water systems, which will allow the County and Village to supply water to each other when repairs are made or during emergency situations when the normal source of water supply is unavailable.
This partnership will provide for continuity of service and minimize disruptions to customers in either water system when problems arise.
In order to make this connection, Lake County will need to install approximately 50 feet of water main pipe along Brooks Farm Road in the Brooks Farm Subdivision. This work will not require any road closures. See below for a site plan summary. Nearby residents don’t need to take any action.
Anticipated Dates of Construction:
Site work is expected to begin the week of June 17, 2019 and is expected to take no more than one month. This work is weather dependent.
Mosquito Prevention & Control
Again this year, the Village has contracted with Clarke Environmental Services for mosquito management, which includes:
- Surveillance
- Monitoring
- Larval control at breeding sites
- Adult mosquito applications
Clarke Environmental
has information regarding prevention and control that homeowners may use to help control mosquito's on their property. Residents may sign up to be notified when spraying will occur by calling the Mosquito Hotline at (800) 942-2555.
While the Village does take steps to reduce mosquito levels, many areas nearby and outside the Village do not, which can contribute to higher levels of mosquitoes. The Village's mosquito management services are meant to be in addition to abatement activities undertaken by homeowners and businesses on their private property.
Residents are reminded to take preventative measures to reduce the impact of mosquitoes on their property. In any given season mosquito levels can vary depending, primarily, on weather conditions.
Keep Informed About Round Lake
If you are interested in learning more about the Village of Round Lake or the current projects that the Village is working on to better serve residents and businesses, you have several options.
Visit the Village website,
to learn the history of the Village, how to pay your water bill online, view each department, submit questions and more. The Village website is a great resource for information available to you anytime.
Are you subscribed to the Village
? The Village encourages everyone to subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter that conveniently is emailed to you each month. The newsletter highlights current events, explains what Village staff are working on, and shares local community news.
Board Meetings:
The Village Board meets twice monthly on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 pm at Village Hall. All residents are encouraged to attend meetings. Agendas are posted 48 hours or more in advance of each board or committee meeting. You can view current and archived
Agenda & Minutes
You can always call (847-546-5400) or stop into Village Hall with a question. Our friendly staff will be glad to answer your questions. Village Hall is located at 442 N Cedar Lake Road and is open Monday-Friday 8:30 am-5:00 pm. We look forward to hearing from you.
Join Mayor MacGillis and the Round Lake Area Bicycle Club on a leisurely bike ride around the Village. The 10-12 mile bike ride will start at Fairfield Park and will stop at Alexjando's Mexican Restaurant - 163 W. Belvidere Road - for breakfast. Residents are welcome to join for breakfast!
Saturday, June 22nd
Fairfield Park, 350 N. Fairfield Road Round Lake
9:00 am
It is a great way to get exercise and enjoy a pleasant ride on some great bike friendly trails in the Round Lake area.
Door-to-Door Soliciting in Round Lake
our doorbell rings on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
You open your front door and observe a stranger with a smile and a sales pitch. "Hello, I'm with ABC Company, and I'm here to sell you X,Y,and Z!" Now, what should you do?
First, ask to see their Village of Round Lake Solicitor License.
If the person can't show you a current valid license for whatever reason (their "supervisor" has it, they left it in the car, etc.), do not do business with them! Shut the door and report them to the Round Lake Police Department. Round Lake Village Code
that anyone who wants to go door-to-door, to solicit the sale of goods or services, within Village limits must first obtain a valid license and keep it on them while engaging in their business. See image of a sample permit on right.
Second, if they do have a license, make sure you know what that actually means.
A valid solicitor license is not an endorsement of the business by the Village! It
means that the company has completed the Village's application process and the individual has passed a limited criminal background investigation. This process does not include a recommendation from the Better Business Bureau. You, as the customer, are still responsible for evaluating the companies that you do business with.
Finally, the Round Lake Police Department recommends some general safety tips:
- Never let anyone inside your home that you do not know.
- Don't share personal information with anyone.
- Be cautious on giving out banking information or credit card information to people you don't know.
- Ask for identification, and a copy of their business license.
- If you are interested in their products or service, but question whether the deal is a scam, it is wise to re-schedule at a later time. This allows you time to get in touch with the business and confirm that they are an authorized representative, offering a legitimate product.
- Talk with minor children and remind them that they should never open the door for a stranger, ever.
- Contact your local law enforcement agency if an unlicensed salesman is operating in your neighborhood. Provide them with as much information as possible, including company name, vehicle and physical descriptions.
- As always, the buyer should "Beware!"
Water Conservation....Reduce Your Use
As warm weather approaches, please remember that the Village does have water system conservation from May 15th through September 15th of each year. Specifically, Monday through Friday:
- The use of a landscape irrigation system is prohibited between the hours of 12:01 pm and 6:00 pm, except that newly sodded or seeded areas of lawns may be watered at any time for a two-week period following installation of such sod or planting of such seed.
- For outdoor water use, even addresses may only water on even calendar days and odd addresses may only water on odd calendar days. Permitted use includes watering lawns, flowers, gardens and washing vehicles.
Round Lake Area Farmers Market Starts July 13th
Starting Saturday July 13th the Round Lake Area Farmers Market will return in a
The new location - on Avilon Avenue in downtown Round Lake - will provide ample space for visitors to shop and easy access to free parking in the nearby Metra Commuter Parking lots.
The Saturday morning downtown market will be open for business every Saturday beginning July 13 through September 14 from 9:00 am to Noon.
Fire Hydrant Flushing & Painting
Public Works will continue flushing fire hydrants in June. While conducting the flush, staff inspects the hydrants to make sure they are in good working condition. Signs will be posted to the entrances of a neighborhood a few days before flushing starts.
Residents may notice a slight discoloration of the water after flushing. This is not harmful and will dissipate after a short time. It is recommended that you do not do laundry on the day that hydrant flushing takes place in your area.
The Village is in the process of sandblasting and repainting fire hydrants in various locations throughout town. The hydrants are sandblasted and then quickly painted with a light grey primer. Two coats of red paint are then applied after the primer has a chance to dry. There could be a delay between the primer coat and the red topcoats depending on weather. The painting is part of routine maintenance to help protect the hydrants from rust and corrosion.
If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department at (847)-546-0962.
My neighbor just put up one of those pools that they take down in the winter and said that they need a building permit is that true?
It depends on the depth of the pool. Any pool that is designed having a maximum water depth over 24 inches requires a Building Permit and must meet all of the same requirements (including a fence) as any pool. An inexpensive pool is treated the same as an expensive pool, what matters is the water depth.
I have a lot of standing water from my sump pump and rain gutter discharge, is there anything I can do?
Village Code requires all sump pump and rain gutter discharge
to be not less than 5 feet nor more than 10 feet from the building and
shall not terminate within ten feet of any property line and in no case shall the discharge cause a nuisance to adjoining properties. If a village storm sewer is located in the rear yard the discharge lines can be connected (with a Building Permit) directly to it. If no storm sewer is available the discharge line can be buried using a perforated pipe, with the proper air gap. Another option is to install rain barrels to collect rainwater from downspouts. This beneficial option provides you with clean, free, water later for watering landscaping and gardens plus it decreases the amount of water running across your property during a storm.
I live next to a park and when the weather is bad the siren sounds, what does that mean?
Some parks have a siren to notify people using the park that dangerous weather is approaching and they should seek shelter immediately. If you hear
the siren move inside and tune to the latest weather report. The Village has a few tornado warning sirens which sound when cloud rotation has been detected. If you hear the tornado siren seek immediate shelter. Tornado warning sirens are tested the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am.
Do you have a Code Enforcement question or concern? If so, y
ou can e-mail your message using the
Request Center
or contact Community Development at 847-546-0963.
Catholic Charities
101 North Cedar Lake Road
On Friday May 3rd, Catholic Charities broke ground on a new community center building. Catholic Charities serves western Lake County seniors, primarily in their homes, supporting them with home-delivered meals, homemaker services, and elder abuse investigations. The new community center will provide opportunities for seniors to connect with others in order to remain independent and avoid isolation. Catholic Charities currently leases a building on the grounds of St. Joseph’s Parish.
Dirt Operation, Concrete Recycling and Composting Operation
Route 120 and Wilson Road
The Village has a lease agreement with CHDS for a temporary use of property on the southwest corner of Route 120 and Wilson Road. The end result of the project will be a site that is ready for future development.
Additional News & Updates
The Cop on a Rooftop event held at Dunkin’ Donuts to benefit Special Olympics Illinois
was held on Friday, May 17th. For the 17th year in a row, hundreds of law enforcement officers from throughout the state took part in the Dunkin’ Donuts rooftop to raise awareness and donations for the Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics Illinois.
The Village thanks all Police Officers including the Round Lake Police Officers who took part in supporting the Cop on Top event.
Thank you to those that participated in the Memorial Day parade
in honor of those who have sacrificed their lives serving our county. The Villages of Hainesville, Round Lake, Round Lake Beach, Round Lake Park & Round Lake Heights along with the Round Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and the American Legion sponsored the community wide event.
Congratulations to Round Lake Police Sergeant Nicole Cheney
for attending and graduating from Northwestern University Center for Public Safety School of Police Staff and Command (SPSC). The SPSC is an intensive ten-week program intended for mid- and upper-level management personnel to prepare law enforcement managers for senior positions by uniquely combining academic principles with practical applications.
Congratulations to the elected
Village Clerk, Debbie Perlini and Village Trustees Charlie Foy, Russell Kraly, and Jake Mandelman. All were elected to another term and sworn in at a recent Village Board meeting. Thank you for your civic duty.
Don't miss the annual 4th of July parade
hosted by Avon Township Youth Baseball
on Thursday, July 4, 2019 at 9:00 am. The parade route will begin at Hawthorne Road in Round Lake Beach to Cedar Lake Road towards Washington Street, East on Washington Street. towards Hainesville Road. The parade will conclude at Union Square Park.
Reminder....Curbside garbage collection containers
should be placed at the curbside no sooner than 6:00 pm the day before the regularly scheduled garbage collection day and should be removed from the curbside no later than 6:00 am the day after.
Village Officials
Dan MacGillis, Mayor
Debbie Perlini, Village Clerk
Charlie Foy, Henry Frye Jr., Russell Kraly,
Don Newby, Sanjay Patel, Jake Mandelman