So many clients today are so busy with their careers and active family, they do not pay attention to important insurance renewal offers and their insurance policies until they are in the need to use it due to an unfortunate claim, and in many cases it’s now too late to add coverages either you thought you had, or maybe removed many years ago when you didn’t feel you needed them. Ask yourself right now…
Do I know what my homeowners premium is right now? What is my upcoming renewal offer ? How much am I paying for my 16 year old son and his new car? What is my current coverage?
If you don’t know you’re not alone……These policies are thousands of dollars! Just take a look and we are here to help if needed. Your home and cars are some of your most cherished and expensive investments, and that’s why you insured them in the first place. Aren’t they worth a look just once a year ? Check your coverages and renewal premiums.
At M&L Insurance Agency my clients who spend in many cases just 5-10 mins A YEAR going over these policies are paying less, and are also properly insured for their current insurance needs, but more importantly you will be well versed on your current coverages…As we advertise across the State
We are against just painting everyone with the same insurance brush. Not everyone needs the same coverages. A family just starting out will in most cases need less insurance than a family in their 40’s with children and more financial responsibilities with cars, educations, mortgagees, etc. Simply manage your risk to fit your needs, and you should be able to find that insurance comfort zone that will not only fit your current needs, but budget as well.