“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, 
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

Dear Church Family,

 I hope you are all doing well, and I continue to keep you in my prayers!  Last week was our very first live streaming service through Zoom.  We had an excellent turnout and it was so heartwarming to have people connecting with us who no longer even live in Durango!  If you missed the service and would like to catch it go to our Youtube Channel (link below) and fast forward about 11 minutes to where the service actually started.  We’ll be working on this end to make things even smoother in the weeks to come!
In the coming week I expect you’ll hear again from your Deacon with our new Deacon’s Care ministry.  We’re looking to collect shopping needs from the congregation, especially our older membership or those whose health is compromised, in order that we might go out and obtain and deliver these items.  Thanks Brandon Cruz, for all your efforts in helping organize this!!!
 We’re also brainstorming ways we can stay connected to our Children and Youth as well as our small groups in this season so be on the lookout for more points of connection!

This Coming Sunday :
This upcoming week the Lectionary gospel reading is the raising of Lazarus in John chapter 11.  In the case of John’s gospel this resurrection of Lazarus is the turning point for Jesus’ life and ministry.  Whereas political jabs at the powers that be, and doctrinal squabbles with the religious authorities were what got Jesus into trouble in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, John remembers that it was the raising of the dead that set people off and had them plotting to kill.  It’s interesting that bringing death to life could get Jesus into so much trouble, but for some reason it did.  I’m looking forward to talking more about why on Sunday!

What We Can Be Doing This Week :

            Stay Healthy:  It’s important we keep apprised of the latest developments, and though I always stress a strict “diet” when it comes to the News, I trust you’re all staying informed on how we might best stay physically healthy.  Remember to go outside!  Eden and I set up a badminton net in the front yard on Sunday, and we’re being sure to take daily family walks with Asher.
            Stay Connected:  This has been a great time to connect and talk with family and friends by phone.  I’ve even caught up with people I haven’t seen or spoken to in some time!  Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and reach out!
            Stay Devoted:  In this season of Lent we’re called to reflect, to pray, to fast, and to engage a time of contemplation.  That our world is in such upheaval, and that a part of  staying healthy  is “social distancing,” I can’t help but think of the Spiritual Disciplines of “Silence and Solitude.” I’d encourage us all to “take advantage” of this time in our world and see even this as an opportunity to grow in faith and discipline.
            Stay Missional: I have had more people who are not of faith in the past week ask me for links to our new Youtube Channel, Facebook Page, and Zoom Wroship Service than I would have ever expected.  I sense people are longing for something of significance in their lives right now.  While we may not be able to meet physically for worship this could be a great opportunity to reach out to your circle of friends, family, and neighbors and share with them an opportunity to connect with God and a great community.  It could be as easy as texting or emailing a link, and someone’s life might be changed.  Who could you reach out to in this time?
            Stay Tuned:  Ideas are coming in all the time as to how we might be the church in this season for each other, our community, and our world.  So, stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information and more opportunities.

God bless and keep each of you this week!


Sunday Morning Worship click here https://zoom.us/j/442279065

Sunday Morning Fellowship click here https://zoom.us/j/822738906

Facebook Page click here:   https://www.facebook.com/firstpresdurango/

Your generosity in this season is much appreciated. Online giving through our website should go live in the next few days. In the meantime you can mail direct to Alpine, use our direct bill pay system, or we will be checking the Church mailbox periodically. Thank you!

Alpine Bank
1099 Main Ave.
Durango, CO 81301