Dear Camp Ramah family,

We are almost there — Kayitz 2021 is coming!!!

This email contains updated, important information for testing and drop-off for all campers. The success of our summer depends upon your help with these pre-camp steps.

The most important tool we have to keep our community safe is vaccination for COVID-19. We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE all campers and staff who are ages 12+ to get vaccinated. 

For those in Toronto, please click here for more information on vaccine availability for those 12+.

Outside of Toronto (in Ontario), click here.

In Quebec, click here.

Please note, our testing plan has changed somewhat as the COVID situation has evolved in Ontario and more is known about testing. Some details here are different from the tentative plan we communicated earlier. We will now have 1 recommended and 2 mandatory PCR tests (saliva) before camp and there will be no rapid testing on the day-of-camp as previously communicated.

*For campers who are outside of the Toronto area, please see the bottom of this email  for testing instructions.

  • June 23-27: Recommended PCR Test 10-14 Days Before Camp.

This test is not mandatory but is recommended to increase the assurance for each family that their camper will test negative before camp. If the test is positive, the individual will have to isolate for 10 days and the family will have to quarantine for 14 days. This allows for the camper ample time to come to camp on time if found to be positive. Campers and staff of summer camps are now eligible for asymptomatic testing at no charge. In Ontario, you can schedule an appointment online here at at a participating pharmacy or testing centre.

*This test will either be a shallow nasal swab (at many Shoppers) or nasopharyngeal swab

  • July 2 (Friday) AND July 5 (Monday) MANDATORY PCR Tests 5 Days and 2 Days Before Camp

These tests will be conducted at Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda (100 Elder St., North York) in their Wilmington Ave. parking lot on the west side of the building. Specific time slots will be communicated by Thursday, June 24th, but the general timeframe will be:

8:00-11:00 AM last names that begin A-M

11:00-2:00 PM  last names that begin N-Z 

Please arrive at Beth Emeth during your assigned time on both days.

Both of these tests will be saliva based PCR tests arranged through our amazing partners at SickKids Hospital. Campers will stay in parked cars and fill the test container with saliva. 

How to collect saliva:    

  • No eating, drinking or brushing teeth 30 minutes before the saliva test     
  • We recommend having a glass of water 1 hour before the  test   
  • Please watch the following video from SickKids for more guidance on how the saliva collection will happen onsite: 

Please email [email protected]  if you would prefer to do a nasal swab PCR test at a local Shoppers instead.

Please isolate your camper(s) from others once these tests are taken to prevent any COVID coming to camp. Remember, even outdoor gatherings have a risk of spreading infection. Please have your campers wear masks and practice distancing even when outside. Being in contact with others after testing renders the testing much less effective as a defense in keeping COVID out of camp. Please remember that any campers who test positive and their whole cohort need to go home for 14 days.

REQUISITION FORMS FOR TESTING — ALL CAMPERS MUST HAVE 4 REQUISITION FORMS: Please print four copies per child of the attached blank requisition — click here for form — and bring with you to the Friday, July 2 testing.
  • Please fill in the patient information and health card number on all requisitions ahead of time. 
  • Leave blank the Specimen Collection Information, date and time. 

At Beth Emeth on Monday, July 5 during your testing window

**Please note, if you are able to have your child’s medication put in blister packs, please do so. This is an additional safety measure that will help us ensure safe medicine distribution this summer. Nearly any pharmacy will blister pack your medications if you ask for it; a small fee may apply. 

All camper families will be assigned a Drop-off-Day time slot for drop-off at camp between 2-6pm.

Your specific drop-off window will be communicated by Thursday, June 24.

If you live outside of the Toronto area, you should arrange to either come to Toronto for the testing (saliva PCR) at Beth Emeth on July 2 and 5 (details above), or please arrange for PCR tests (not rapid tests) at a local pharmacy or assessment centre on July 2 and July 5. In order to enter camp on July 7, you must share the results of both tests by email with Aviva: [email protected].

In Ontario: Go to to find a testing location. These tests (asymptomatic PCR tests with nasal swab) are now free of charge for campers and staff of overnight camps this summer.

Montreal: Luggage drop off on Tuesday, July 6 at 8:00 AM, Shaare Zion Congregation (5575 Cote St Luc Rd., Montreal).

Please arrange for PCR tests (not rapid tests) at a local pharmacy or assessment centre on July 2 and July 5. Go to: to find a location for testing. In order to enter camp on July 7, you must share the results of both tests by email with Aviva: [email protected].

Other COVID-Related Items:

Small Bag/Fanny Pack: Campers will need to carry masks with them for much of the summer, even if they are not wearing them all of the time. Please send a fanny pack, small backpack, drawstring bag, etc. with your child’s name to help your child carry a mask (and other items). For safety reasons, bags are better than lanyards.

No Spitz: Due to COVID safety and cleanliness protocols, we cannot allow Spitz (sunflower seeds) this summer. We know that many of our campers love enjoying and sharing sunflower seeds at camp, but we ask that — for the sake of minimizing germ transmission in camp — no one brings seeds this summer.

CONFIRM YOUR PLANS: All camp families must submit their information for testing and drop-off location by Monday, June 21 at 12pm ET in CampIntouch — click here to fill out the Drop-Off and Testing form.

• You will receive a confirmation of your narrow windows for testing and day-of-camp drop-off and testing by Thursday, June 24

• We will be conducting further saliva based (and possibly other) testing at camp.

We are truly in this together and are so grateful for your partnership in keeping our camp community safe! Please be in touch if you have any questions.

kol tuv,

Jordan and Aviva

Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell, Director
Aviva Millstone, Associate Director