EO 57 allows NPs with two or more years of clinical experience to practice without a written or electronic practice agreement until the termination of the declared COVID-19 public emergency. Because EO 57 expired in September, until the budget is approved, NPs must practice under the current five-year requirement.
Note that even after the budget is approved, the two-year requirement is temporary until the end of the state of emergency. We are hopeful that our 2021 legislation will make these changes permanent.
Be Antibiotic Aware campaign
Antibiotic Awareness Week is Nov. 18-24. The CDC has developed a national campaign to help fight antibiotic resistance and improve antibiotic prescribing and use. In U.S. doctors’ offices and emergency departments, at least 47 million antibiotic prescriptions each year are unnecessary, which makes improving antibiotic prescribing and use a national priority.