Many of my bills have been going through the legislative process, including being heard in public hearings.
I was honored to testify alongside my colleagues, Mayor Michelle Wu, Senator Mike Rush, and Representative Bill MacGregor, in favor of our bill H.3288 An Act relative to fare equity, which would designate all commuter rail stops in Boston to be Zone 1A. Right now, just within Hyde Park, the Fairmount Commuter Rail stop is designated Zone 1A, and costs $2.40 for a trip, the Hyde Park Commuter Rail stop is designated Zone 1, and costs $6.50 for a trip, and the Readville Commuter Rail stop is designated Zone 2, and costs $7.00 for a trip. This is unacceptable and a fare equity issue for our community.
I am advocating strongly for this bill along with many others to advance through the legislative process this session.