March 13, 2020
Dear Families,
Today, we were fortunate to be with your children before the start of our two-week closure. We had regular class activities and a special chapel with performances from each division. In chapel, we were reminded of the importance of joy, sanctuary, and God’s presence wherever we are. In this time of evolving news, closures, cancellations, and uncertainty, these are good reminders for all of us to lean on.
Despite our closure, as an AIMS school, we are committed to providing quality educational continuity for your children. We recognize these are uncertain times and we are all facing new life challenges. To that end, we are balancing our expectations for both students and teachers during this closure.
The closure requires a calendar shift to avoid extending the academic year. The schedule may be reassessed/extended pending future unforeseen changes at state and local levels. Our ability to communicate with you is critical, and we appreciate your attention as we send you messages and updates.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School’s Schedule Change: March 16 through April 14
March 16-20: No teaching & learning this week. Teachers will use time to prepare remote/distance-learning lessons, with information to be sent to families by midweek.
March 23-27:
Remote Teaching & Learning Week. All families should prepare for a week of student learning at-home as designed by the teacher. This will vary per age, and may involve online learning particularly for older grades.
March 30-April 4: Regular onsite school
April 6-7: Regular onsite school
April 8-10 & 13: No school (Easter Break)
April 14: Return to school
Teachers collaborated today, and will continue next week. As appropriate, depending on age, families should expect children to be engaged daily in learning activities the week of March 23-27. In K-8, lessons may consist of reading, writing, practicing and problem-solving, discussion boards, watching videos, projects, art, and other activities that will continue the learning process and skill development during closure. In Preschool, teachers will develop activities which further the learning foundation being built in the classroom. By Wednesday, March 18, families will receive more specific expectations and protocols from Kim Carson and our teachers.
We know there may be some issues that arise with this change. We ask for your cooperation as we stay committed to delivering an education during this unforeseen time. Should there be an issue with accessing a computer in your household, please let us know of your need. Computers may more likely be used in Lower and Middle School than Preschool. Please do not hesitate to contact the teachers or administrators with questions.
We will be in the office next Monday-Wednesday, 9am-2pm, and some of us will be available onsite during the same hours the week of March 23-27. We will remain accessible and responsive to your needs. Stay healthy, and we will see you back in school soon, and we will definitely be sure to reschedule our much-anticipated Spirit Week!
Jamey Hein
Head of School