Connections: June 27, 2022
A Pilgrimage of Faith and Exploration: Summer 2022 Worship at CCSM
Dear Beloved Community at CCSM,
Yesterday's service was so powerful. I am so grateful to Rev. Elisabeth Middelberg for offering us such a thoughtful and timely message—one that emphasized mystery, questions, and transformation. If you are feeling a bit thrown off by all that is going on, perhaps especially the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs. Wade, I really encourage you to go back and listen to her message.
I was also struck when Rev. Elisabeth shared words from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the beginning of her sermon. I have seen those words on memes and posts a lot in the past few days. Here they are if you've missed them.
I so appreciate how Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is brutally honest about the reality we are facing, and, at the same time, she encourages us to avoid binaries and nihilism. Instead, she tells us to trust that the type of world that we dream of is already here in a partial way, albeit in fleeting glimmers and short bursts. That message of the already/not yet tension of God's kingdom (or kin-dom) is profoundly rooted in Christian faith and serves as a hope-filled reminder that not everything is falling apart (even when it might feel that way).
In some small corners of this world, we can receive a foretaste of the justice and love and peace that is to come, one day, for everyone everywhere. For me, CCSM is one of those sacred places, as well as joyful Pride celebrations, being in nature, dancing together, and sharing deep truths. We need to nourish ourselves in those spaces and those relationships so we have the fortitude and strength we need to keep on going. So that one day all people and in all places will receive the radical welcome that God yearns for us all to have.
Communion is another time we celebrate the in-breaking of God's vision and receive a foretaste of the grand banquet that is coming for us all. Please join us next Sunday to celebrate communion together, and to hear another important sermon from our own Rev. Valerie McEntee.
Peace be with you all,
PS: Please see below for great news about our new Interim Senior Minister! I really enjoyed the chance to meet Rev. Melissa a few weeks ago and I truly believe she is exactly who is called to walk with us in this time of transition. Thank you so much to our Board and Search Team for their diligent work!
A Message from your Moderator, Julie Lenden
The Board of Directors and I are pleased to announce we have hired an Interim Senior Minister, Melissa Douaire, who will start on September 1st.
CLICK on the video to the right to watch Julie announce this in yesterday's worship service
Melissa earned her MDiv from Chicago Theological Seminary and has served as an Interim Pastor and Pastor in the Chicagoland area. Melissa has certificates in grief counseling and intentional interim ministry, among other disciplines.
The co-chairs of the search committee for the permanent minister, the Board of Directors, and the staff who met Melissa believe she is the right person for the right time. Her principles and goals for CCSM are aligned with ours. We have some tough work to do both spiritually and strategically, and Melissa will not only guide us through our feelings from the pulpit but will also be an advisor to the search committee and help the entire congregation engage in critical strategic visioning. Melissa is well aware of the tasks at hand and is eager to set the permanent Senior Minister and CCSM up for success in the long term.
Pastoral relations is one of Melissa's passions and we are drawn to her warmth, self-awareness, and desire to have fun with us along the way. While Melissa’s official start date is in September, she will consult, mainly with the search committee, over the summer. Melissa resides in Colorado with her husband and has three grown children. She will visit the Bay Area the week of July 31 to look for a rental unit and will attend our service that day. We can’t wait for you to meet her.
I also want to share a little bit about what I learned from this process:
#1. Veril Phillips and Kathy Gallo are remarkable people. Working with them to vet the 18 candidates was a collaborative and positive experience and I thank both of them so much for their availability, thoughtful reasoning, and their good natures.
#2. CCSM is really appealing to Ministers. If they don't already know us, our light shines through with work we do and the people we are. As we narrowed down the list of 18 candidates to 5 candidates, it was really clear that they all wanted this position. What a joy it is to be part of a community where our energy and spirit are contagious. Thank you for continuing to be the light in the world. The search for an Interim makes me even more hopeful for the permanent minister search team and what's next for CCSM.
I also want to thank the staff, music ministry, and Sheryl and Jorge, who will continue to guide us so thoughtfully and meaningfully during this time of transition. We see you, we value you, and we are grateful.
Message from Interim Senior Minister,
Rev. Melissa Douaire
Congregants of CCSM, Board of Directors, Search Team, Fellow Clergy, Staff and Julie, Kathy and Veril,
I am honored, and humbled, by the opportunity to walk beside you during this period of transition. As a congregation and community, you were well represented by Julie, Kathy and Veril being the face and voice of CCSM!
The loss of a beloved pastor is difficult and I am sensitive to the collective and cumulative losses and change we have experienced over the last two and half years due to the Pandemic.
Change means we hold fear of the unknown and hopes for the future in tension.
My mind is racing with questions and thoughts about getting to know you as individuals, fellow servants, and as a community. Who are you now? What are the narratives you offer as members and staff about your church? What is your involvement in ministry? What are your hopes for the future?
I look forward to meeting all of you and learning about your personal faith journeys, gifts of service, and hopes for the future. I am here to listen, here to see and here to hold space for your discernment for the future of CCSM.
Thank you for your confidence to serve you faithfully, honestly, and with agape love. Sheryl and Jorge, I am very excited to serve beside you! Chase, and other Staff members, I am eager to learn from you and share the lift. I promise to give CCSM all that I can with the Help and Grace of God.
See you July 31st in worship!
Peace and grace,
Rev. Melissa Douaire
Click on the video above for the most recent entire worship service, or click HERE to listen to Rev. Elisabeth Middelberg's sermon, QUESTIONS AND CONVERSATIONS ALONG THE WAY
CCSM Volunteer of the Week
There are so many people who are the hands, feet and face of God right here at CCSM. Each week in Connections, we will highlight one of these volunteers.
Laura Pierce-McKenzie is Chair of the Liturgical Arts Team and also delivers flowers to CCSMers on the prayer list as part of the Posy Posse. She takes on any project with a smile, even when asked to lead the committee to decorate 33 tables for Penny's celebration with a minimal budget! We are blessed by you, Laura, and the liturgical arts team, for your ability to awake our senses in the sanctuary and beyond.
To nominate a volunteer you’ve seen in action right here at CCSM (or to sign up for various volunteer needs), please email Chase Montara at, with a brief paragraph.
Coming Back to Community Events
Sign Up Now!
Carne Asada Feast, July 23, 5-7 p.m. CCSM
You don’t want to miss Pastor Jorge’s Carne Asada feast on July 23. He will be cooking up a storm to serve guests on the CCSM lawn, and it promises to be a great family experience. We are asking guests to pay $15/person or $30/family to attend, but if that doesn't fit your budget right now, don't let that stop you. Just sign up and come enjoy some amazing food. Let Jorge, Sandy McNabb (, 650-678-5650) or Diane Kalliam (, 415-279-1359) know you're coming.
Tamale Cooking Class — rescheduled to September
The Tamale Cooking Class announced last week that it will be rescheduled to September. A date will be announced soon.
Upcoming event reminders
As these dates get closer, more details will be provided. In the meantime, if you'd like tickets or to sign up for:
BASEBALL (San Jose Giants) and BBQ on August 12, contact Kay Harris at for the baseball game tickets/information
Find info on all upcoming events by clicking HERE.
Summer brings new possibilities!
As you embark on your summer adventures, whether away or at home, here's a question we would like you to ponder.
What is something you’ve been missing or gave up during the Pandemic that you want to reconnect with this summer?
Was it a spiritual experience, an event, a person, or place? The Liturgical Arts Team will be creating an installation for Homecoming Sunday with anything you provide that is a physical representation of your adventures. It could be a photo, poem, art work, rock, flower, or anything that evokes your experience.
To participate, bring your item(s) to the Church office between August 19 - Sept 1. For our non-local community, please mail to CCSM with Attn: LAM Homecoming included on the outside of your package or envelope. (225 Tilton Ave., San Mateo, CA 94401) All items will be returned if possible.
Let us know:
What type of experience: trip, activity, event, etc.
Who experienced it? Family, friends, others. Include your name
When and location
If you have questions, please contact Laura Pierce-McKenzie, Liturgical Arts Ministry Lead. Contact information in Church directory.
CCSM Playlists for inspiration
If you're looking for some comfort and inspiration, one place to look might be one of the playlists Chuck has created on Youtube where you can find uplifting prayers and songs selected from our services. You can find the prayers here and the songs here. Please make use of this wonderful resource!
Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm
CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th. We have decided to premier this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. We hope you will join us online weekly to continue our prayers and heal our hearts. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.
Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.
225 Tilton Avenue • San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 343-3694