We are so grateful for your commitment to FaB and the industry! We’re excited to offer an upgraded benefit, just for our Premium members, to help promote your business.
What's Changing
Premium Members now receive quarterly ad space, with ads published in March, June, September, and December. Ads are distributed to our entire industry list of nearly 2,300 professionals. Previously, ads were published monthly.
In December, your submission – a full page ad or thought leadership article – will be published in our digital annual report.
In March, June, and September, the size of your ad will increase from 675px by 175 px to 675px by 350px.
Ad Guidelines
You'll now receive:
In Q1, Q2, Q3 (March, June, September) – One full-column ad in a special edition of our FaBfeed e-newsletter. 675px by 350px with link to desired webpage.
In Q4 (December) – One full-page ad or thought leadership article in our digital annual report. 8-inch by 10-inch, no bleed, with link to desired webpage.
Consider promoting:
- Your company
- A service of your company
- An event your company may be hosting or research you’ve conducted
- A discount you’d like to offer
- Open positions you may have
- News you’ve made
We strongly recommend submitting a larger file for your final artwork to assure high resolution, but the image ratio should remain the same.
Submitting Your Ads
We’ll send reminders each quarter prior to the deadline – please confirm who at your company these reminders should be sent to. Artwork can be submitted as a .jpg, .png, or .gif to Emily at eallen@fabwisconsin.com.