Welcome to the York YMCA Aquatic Club!
Thank you for joining us!
We've compiled this information to serve as a resource for you as you and your swimmer get started with the York YMCA Aquatic Club. Please click the button below and complete the form so that you will receive email communications regarding Club activities.
Best regards,
The York YMCA Executive Board
Swimmers Must BOTH Register for the Team & Join the YMCA
Graham Aquatic Center (GAC)
543 North Newberry Street
York, PA 17401
Practice site for
juniors & seniors
Main Branch YMCA
90 North Newberry Street
York, PA
Practice site for pre-team, advanced and novice groups
Southern Branch YMCA
100 Constitution Avenue
Shrewsbury, PA 17361
Practice site for
pre-team, novice &
advanced groups
Team Equipment & Store Information
York YMCA Equipment Guide - note that some items are considered optional.
Swimwear and Equipment - Toad Hollow - register for an account, login and search "YORK" to see York YMCA discounted prices.
- Spirit Wear & Embroidery
JCAR Logo Gear provides York YMCA spirit wear including sweatshirts, polos, t-shirts, etc. The store will be open several times per year. Take items requiring customization, embroidery, "YORK", etc (eg, parkas, jackets, backpacks) to JCAR Logo Gear, 2474 N George Street, York, PA 17406.
- The team store will be open several times each year.
- If your child is on the juniors/seniors they will need the t-shirt tripack - 1 Red, 1 White & 1 Black t-shirt to wear as directed by his or her coach during swim meets (especially team travel).
Swim caps - are available for purchase from your coach.
If you have questions regarding the team store please contact Amy Henry.
Each swim family is required to fund an escrow account to allow the team to register your swimmer for events at upcoming swim meets, apply charges for swim caps and pay USA Swimming membership fees as applicable. The recommended balance per swimmer is
$100 per swimmer (novice/advanced)
$200 per swimmer (senior/junior)
Make checks payable to "York YMCA Aquatic Club". Please place your check in the drawer in Coach John's office at the GAC or hand to Coach Kyle at the Southern YMCA.
Aquatic Club meetings are held a 6 PM at the GAC on the second Monday each month
GAC and Southern Novice/Advanced swimmers have combined practices twice per month:
- Second Monday each month @ GAC
- Third Monday each month at Southern
You can access the York YMCA team calendar on your phone, install the iOS App or Android App and enter the calendar key when prompted: ksy9m62qgu33rfi1uz.
Earn Funds For Your Escrow Account!
Periodically the Club will offer fundraisers to benefit your personal escrow account. In addition, we offer a monthly gift card sale from Giant, Weis and many retailers via Scrip. A portion of the gift card value is deposited into your escrow account when you purchase these gift cards.
Click here for an overview and the links below to print an order form or to review participating retailers:
Watch for emails each month letting you know it is time to order.
Swim Meet Volunteer & Donation Requirements
Please familiarize yourself with Volunteer Policy. If your child swims in a meet, you are expected to both volunteer and provide a food donation.
Volunteer and food donation sign up sheets can be found HERE. You will be notified when it is time to sign up.
Calling All Swim Officials!
Are you a certified official? Please let Eric Harnish know if you plan to continue officiating for the York YMCA Aquatic Club.
Would you like to become a swim official?
- You do not need to know anything about swimming to become an official! You will learn what you need to know by completing coursework, studying the rule book and shadowing officials during swim meets.
- All are welcome, but we are in greatest need for the younger age groups.
Check out the certification requirements which include a background check, athlete protection training, course work and an online test.
Send an email to Eric Harnish for next steps.
What are the differences between the swim groups?
- Focused on local swim meets which are typically held at a YMCA within a few hours of York, PA.
- Practice is held at Southern and the GAC.
- The focus is to cultivate a swimmer's love for the sport while improving their skills, and getting them ready for the Juniors/Seniors if swimmers would like to move to the next level.
- Focused on national-level events with travel to meets all across the country, competing against nationally ranked swimmers.
- Practice is held at the GAC.
- It is the next step in one's swimming career. If a swimmer is ready to get more serious about the sport, both swimmer and parents are willing to make the commitment, and the coaches feel the swimmer is ready, then the swimmer can move up.
Pre-team - allows new swimmers to try out the swim team, develop stamina and learn the strokes.
What Do I Need for Practice?
- Suit, goggles, towel, water bottle, swim cap (if one is worn).
- Swimmers should wear the same type of goggles they plan to wear in the meet.
- DO NOT wear meet suits to practice. We want those suits to last as long as possible - save them for the meets!
- To ensure swimmers' gear lasts as long as possible, we recommend running everything under cold water after practice. Chlorine can damage suits and goggle straps over time, and rinsing with cold water helps.
Please review the York YMCA Equipment Guide - note that some items are considered optional; talk with your coach to determine what additional items they should bring to practice.
Getting Ready for Your First Swim Meet?
- The coaches assume that your swimmer will participate in all meets for which he or she qualifies, unless you notify your coach in writing that you do not plan to attend.
- Coaches will communicate tentative entries in advance of the meet. If you cannot attend the meet or have questions regarding the entries, please let your coach know when you receive tentative entries.
- Fund your escrow account so your child can be registered in swim meets. Checks should be made payable to "York YMCA Aquatic Club".
- You will receive an email from the volunteer coordinator when it is time to review the volunteer, food donation and official sign up sheets. Be sure to sign yourself up for a volunteer position and food item to donate.
- Arrive 15 to 20 minutes before meet warm ups.
- Make sure your child knows what events he or she will swim upon arrival to the pool. Some swimmers write their events on their arm or a note card. Simply list the race number, events, and an inspirational note and place the note card along with a pen or pencil in a snack bag. Your swimmer can obtain his or her heat and lane assignments at the meet.
What should we bring to a swim meet?
- At least two pairs of goggles (of the same type the swimmer practices with), team competition suit at least two York YMCA swim caps and at least two towels (the first towel always gets soaked through).
- Swimmers should also bring, and wear, an extra change of clothes during the meet. It is not unusual for an hour or more to pass between warmups and a swimmer's first event. Wearing clothes during the meet (track or sweat pants, hoodies, etc.) help keep swimmers' muscles warm and relaxed, which leads to a better performance.
- Healthy food and drinks. Swimmers should nibble on snacks during the meet (especially long meets) to keep up their energy. Avoid junk food and candy; stick with nutritional options such as fruit, and foods high in carbs and protein such as pretzels and nuts.
Additional Resources
Aquatic Club Executive Board