Ordinary Time Greetings Friends,

The Presbytery of Detroit is in a season of anything but “ordinary” in our life together. We continue in a season of new beginnings and discernment as we bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ in the world today. Foundational to our understanding of being Presbyterian is that through mutual interconnection of our councils we live out the unity of what it means to be the church. This work is not always easy or clear. And we recognize that while congregations of the Presbyterian Church (USA) possess all the gifts necessary to be the church, we are nonetheless insufficient in ourselves to be the church. We are called to share with others the opportunity to nurture, guide and govern in ways that strengthen the church and give glory to God.

We recognize that to commit to this work takes patience, courage, faith and love. For the last handful of months, the Presbytery of Detroit has been on a “sacred pause” as we have been exploring the governance and financial structure of the Presbytery of Detroit. We have also begun the work of restorative justice, truth-telling and reparation in the systemic racism inherent in the history of the Presbytery of Detroit. 

First and foremost, as we continue to move forward, we are seeking your prayers. We are also looking for individuals who have the necessary gifts and abilities for assisting and supporting the Presbytery of Detroit as we uphold our vision to “commit ourselves to empowering collaborative community in service of Christ” and live into the good news of the resurrection.

As we embark on this work together, please consider placing yourself and others into nominations for the work God is calling you to by filling out the “Nominations” form. The Synod of the Covenant Administrative Commission for the Presbytery of Detroit is gathering names and working to determine next steps.

With Extra-Ordinary Hope!

The Synod of the Covenant Administrative Commission for the Presbytery of Detroit

The Rev. Leslie Mott, Temporary Executive Presbyter

The Rev. Dr. Melissa Lynn Allison, Stated Clerk


Nominations form in Word format

Nominations form - fillable pdf