Important dates, deadlines, and information


       January 25, 2017


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Important upcoming admission and registration dates 

Spring 2017 Important Dates (pdf)
February 3
Last day to add a full-term class
February 3
Last day to drop a full-term class and be eligible for a refund of fees 
February 3
Last day to request a refund for the student activity fee
February 3

Last day to drop a full-term class, in-person, without a "W" appearing on transcript
February 5
Last day to drop a full-term class, online, without a "W" appearing on transcript
February 15

Begin accepting online applications for admission to summer and fall 2017
February 16
Last day to request P/NP option for a full-term class
February 17
Holiday - Lincoln's Birthday - college closed
February 18-19
Holiday - Presidents' Weekend - no Saturday/Sunday classes
February 20
Holiday - Washington's Birthday- college closed 
February 28
Last day to file for summer 2017 graduation with early registration option

Check out the spring schedule at DVC on  Insite/WebAdvisor .  

Please be a good neighbor and consider our surrounding neighborhoods
Help us preserve DVC's excellent reputation by doing your part to be a good neighbor! We understand that our students sometimes have to park on neighborhood streets at the beginning of the semester when campus parking is harder to find. If you do park off-campus, please show respect for our neighbors by doing your part to keep their streets clean, quiet, and peaceful!


Stay connected with DVC WiFi

Follow the step-by-step instructions for wireless internet on the DVC campus. You will need your InSite Portal ID and password.

Smoking policy
Smoking at Diablo Valley College is restricted to parking lots at the Pleasant Hill Campus and student parking lots at the San Ramon Campus. 

State law prohibits smoking within 20 feet of all doorways and windows.
Student ID cards and ASDVC activity disc
If you are enrolled at DVC, you will need a DVC student ID card for library book checkout, printing, copying, and other services on campus. You can get your ID card at the Student Union or Library at the Pleasant Hill Campus and at the Learning Commons at the San Ramon Campus.  Bring a photo ID and make sure you have registered for courses at least 24 hours before requesting a student ID. 
If you purchase an ASDVC discount sticker, you will get a three percent discount at the DVC Book Center, free admission to DVC athletic events, discounts for drama performances and many off-campus businesses. 
Black & White ID: FREE
Color ID: $4.00
ASDVC Discount Sticker: $10.00
Color ID & Sticker Combo: $12.00

Safety message
The College District Police Department would like to provide Safety Tips to help you stay safe and keep your valuables from going missing.  Please visit the Police Services webpage for more important safety information

FREE Microsoft Office software for all DVC students!
DVC students gets Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus at no cost via the Microsoft Professional Plus Benefit program.  Download the software NOW!
Policy on skateboarding, skating, and bicycling on campus
In accordance with V.C. 21113(f), the use of bicycles, motorized bicycles, electric bicycles, skateboards, electrically motorized boards, and roller skates on the DVC campus is strictly prohibited.

DVC recognizes that students, faculty, and staff use multiple means of transportation to come to campus. While honoring the importance of personal choice, the college must also consider the safety and well-being of the campus community and visitors, as well as the preservation of college property. In an effort to balance community safety and the ability to use these means of transportation to get to and from the college, DVC  has determined it necessary to do more to enforce the existing policy. Learn about enforcement of this policy

Financial aid announcements 
2016-17 and 2017-18 FAFSA available now! 
To see if you qualify for financial aid for the 2016-17 academic year or to apply for aid next year,  visit FAFSA   and complete your application. Funds are available to help you pay course fees, books and supplies, transportation costs, and even rent! For more information visit  DVC Financial Aid .

2016-17 and 2017-18 California Dream Act application
Are you an AB-540 undocumented student? You may qualify for a tuition fee waiver for the next academic year. Complete your California Dream Act application today by  visiting  Cal Dream Act To find additional resources, visit   DVC DREAMers .
Financial aid help in SSC Enrollment Lab
A financial aid representative will be in the Enrollment Lab in the Student Services Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Tuesdays from 3-6 p.m. to assist students with starting or correcting a FAFSA or California Dream Act application, creating an FSA ID, and checking financial aid status on WebAdvisor.

Get your financial aid faster - new funding options now available!
Sign up to receive your financial aid disbursement via direct deposit or CollegeCash card. If you do not select an option, a check will be mailed to you, which may take up to two weeks to receive. 

New programs at DVC!
Learn about new programs, cohorts and learning communities at DVC by v isiting  New Programs at DVC !

Join student government! 
The Associated Students of DVC (ASDVC) is seeking new members.  Mark your calendars for an information session to learn more about ASDVC, the requirements, and how to get involved. Petition to join ASDVC is due by Friday, February 3, 2017 at 12:50 p.m.  

Regular meetings begin on February 7 and will be Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m. 
Kennedy-King Memorial College Scholarship
A $10,000 scholarship opportunity is available to minority transfer students within the Contra Costa Community College District. For more information, please visit Kennedy-King Memorial College Scholarship Fund . Applications must be submitted to the DVC Scholarship Office by 
February 3, 2017 . For help with the application process, contact the Scholarships Office at 925-969-2094. 

Spring 2017 EOPS applications 
EOPS is now accepting new spring 2017 applications through February 3, 2017 . Submit an application today to see if you will be eligible for priority registration, a textbook voucher, UC/CSU fee waivers, dedicated counseling, and more. 

Pick up your application in the EOPS Office (SSC-127) or  print online .   
Equity Speaker Series
Khalid el-Hakim, Thursday February 2, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
San Ramon Campus, The Learning Commons
Start your observance of Black History Month with a visit to the Black History 101 Mobile Museum, an innovative traveling tabletop exhibit depicting Black memorabilia spanning slavery to Hip Hop. Museum founder, Khalid el-Hakim, will be present to discuss some of the museum's over 5,000 rare treasures, including original documents from historic Black   figures  whose contributions helped shape the United States. 
Don Reed, Monday February 6, 11 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Pleasant Hill Campus, Performing Arts Center
"East 14th" is Reed's comedic look at his experience coming of age in 1970's Oakland. His stepfather wanted him to be a straight-A, God-fearing church boy - but he wanted to be just like his dear old Dad. Too bad he didn't know dear old Dad was a pimp. 
Learn more about the Equity Speak Series.
Celebrate Black History Month!
February 1: M ovie/pizza night and discussion from 4-7 p.m
February 2: Black History Mobile Museum at San Ramon Campus 
February 6: Don Reed performing his acclaimed one-man show "East 14th Street" in the PAC from 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
February 15: Transfer panel & pizza night 4-5 p.m. followed by DVC's 2nd Annual HBCU Transfer Fair.
February 22: Student panel, "Race in America: Students Speak," in the Multicultural Center from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
The Library will feature a special display all month long. All events are free and open to all DVC students. See the Umoja webpage for more information and updates, or email
HBCU Transfer Fair!
Join us for DVC's second annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Transfer Fair on  February 15 from 4-7 p.m. in the DVC Cafeteria. Admissions representatives from over 20 HBCUs will be providing application waivers, on-the-spot admission, scholarships, and more! 
Bring copies of your transcripts for each school you want to apply to. Visit Umoja for a list of schools attending. Questions? Email or visit the Career and Transfer Center, 2nd floor of the Student Services Center. 
DVC scholarship application is now open
The online DVC scholarship application is now open! Apply for all DVC scholarships with a single application by visiting DVC scholarships . Awards range from $250 to $2,000 for continuing and transferring DVC students. Applications must be completed by February 16, 2017 . For more information about the application process , please attend one of our upcoming  application workshops
Engineering and mTECH networking event
Diablo Valley College invites you to participate in a career and networking event designed to engage and connect students with local engineering and advanced manufacturing employers.

This event will provide you with the opportunity to meet local employers and gather valuable industry advice. Benefit from having conversations with industry professionals in an informal setting, learn about industry resources, and experience firsthand the types of employability/soft skills that are expected of competitive candidates.

Thursday, February 23rd, 4 - 6 p.m.
Diablo Room (3rd floor HSF building)
District Student Trustee 
Serve as the official voice of students on the Contra Costa Community College  District Governing Board.  Applications will be available in the DVC Student Life Office Tuesday, March 7.

Information sessions in the Student Union room 210:
March 14, 4 - 5 p.m.
March 15, 11 a.m. -12 p.m.

Applications due:
March 20,12:30 p.m. in the DVC Student Life Office
Get Priority Registration!
Completing the steps for priority registration may result in an earlier registration date. "Rev Your Reg" and boost your progress on your path to success. Our all-in-one sessions will allow you to complete your orientation, English/ESL assessment, and help you start your education plan.  Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Assessment Center, room SSC-140. Call 925-969-2542 for more information, or register online

DVC's Assessment Center is open
Knowing your appropriate placement in math and English or ESL will help you register for the classes that will be best for you. Assessments are offered on a regular basis, and appointments can be made online or in the Assessment Center. Please review the assessment policies  before making an appointment. 

Get Involved: Join a Club! 
Clubs are created and run by students, providing an exciting opportunity to connect over shared interests, complete projects, host events, and develop leadership skills that look amazing on resumes. Visit Student Life for more information on how to join or even create a club. The clubs are governed by the Inter Club Council (ICC). 
ETS and UB seeks tutors for spring 2017
We are seeking paid and volunteer tutors to work with middle and high school students in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District. 

Educational Talent Search Program
Grade Level: Middle and High School students
Days and Time: Tuesday and Thursdays between 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.

Upward Bound Program
Grade Level: High School students
Where/when: Mt. Diablo and Ygnacio Valley High Schools, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-5:30 p.m.; DVC, Saturdays from 12:30-2:30 p.m. 

Contact Jackqueline Jones-Castellano for more information.
Low-cost, high-quality dental care
The  DVC Dental Programs Teaching Clinic  offers a wonderful opportunity for members of the public to receive dental services provided by dental students. Fees in the clinic range from $10 (cleaning for a child 12 and under) to $55 for a deep cleaning for an adult. Regular maintenance cleanings for adults are $25. Radiographs (x-rays) range from $10 for check-up films, to $25 for a full set.

The clinic is in LHS-102. Please call 925-969-2692 to schedule an appointment for an initial evaluation to see if you qualify!


Stay up to date with everything that's going on at DVC!

Don't miss anything important (or fun)! Follow us on Twitter! Like us on Facebook!  

The Inquirer, DVC's award-winning student newspaper, is online! Check us out in print or online at
Our mission statement
Diablo Valley College (DVC) is passionately committed to student learning through the intellectual, scientific, artistic, psychological, and ethical development of its diverse student body. DVC prepares students for transfer to four-year universities; provides career and technical education; supports the economic development of the region; offers pre-collegiate programs; and promotes personal growth and lifelong learning. View our complete mission statement.