September 15, 2020

Dear Charlotte Catholic Parents, Faculty and Staff,

We continue to evaluate the health and safety of our students and staff at Charlotte Catholic High School, and our safety protocols are working as we have not had any school-spread COVID cases at this time. In consultation with the Mecklenburg County Health Department, Charlotte Catholic High School will shift to remote learning for the rest of this week, September 16-18. We will use this opportunity to complete additional deep cleaning throughout the facilities, and conduct any further contact tracing related to the four cases of COVID-19 contracted off campus that we previously reported to you. As of this morning, we have received no indication of additional positive results among those quarantined.

Beginning at 9 a.m. today, we will adjust class schedules and take additional precautions as we prepare to shift to remote learning, to give all students the opportunity to obtain necessary materials and instructions from their teachers to ensure a smooth transition. Classes will dismiss at 2 p.m. today, so please plan to pick up your children at school or from the bus stop. Buses will run beginning at 2:15 p.m. All after school activities have been cancelled for the remainder of this week.

As we shared with you previously, beginning September 7, four members of our school community tested positive after separate incidents of off-campus exposure to coronavirus. In each case, once Charlotte Catholic was informed of the test results, school leaders worked with the MACS nursing director to proactively identify students and teachers who may have come into contact with those infected and directed them to self-isolate to limit any potential spread at school. The CDC defines exposure as being within close contact (less than 6 feet) of a COVID-positive individual for 15 minutes or more.

While we are confident in the safety measures we have in place at Charlotte Catholic, we have decided to take these extra precautions because nothing is more important than the health and well being of our students, staff and families. Please note that no “cluster” has been identified by the health department as these cases are not linked. Although these cases represent 0.3% of our student body, the health department has recommended this transition to provide an added layer of protection so that any possible additional contacts can be identified.

We will transition back on Monday, September 21st to a hybrid model of instruction. Students will follow the schedule as listed in the chart below. On Monday, September 28th, we will resume full in-person instruction. 

Until dismissal today, students will continue to wear face coverings and maintain social distance. Additional safety measures will also include students eating lunch in their classrooms and limiting their movements while on campus.

We will keep you informed if our plans need to change based on new information or further recommendations from public health officials. As always, we appreciate your trust in our proven risk mitigation strategies, and value your collaboration in ensuring that our students are mitigating risk where possible outside of school. 

As always, please monitor your child for symptoms of illness including fever, chills, new cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste and/or smell, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. If you or a family member displays any symptoms, please contact your physician or call the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services’ coronavirus hotline at 1-866-462-3821. Please keep your child home when they are sick.

As always, please read The Catholic Daily for additional updates and important information.

Should you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected] or head nurse Kathie Holder at [email protected].

Prayerfully yours,