Dear OLLI Members and Instructors,
The OLLI Council met yesterday and unanimously voted to once again delay the return to in-person classes, activities and events. They made this decision out of concern for the safety of our OLLI community of members, instructors and staff.

The highly contagious and virulent Delta variant is infecting even those that are fully vaccinated, with the most serious impacts on those in our age demographic. Vaccination status, indoor masking and social distancing requirements have many exceptions and are impossible for volunteer instructors to enforce. Southern Oregon is experiencing a very high rate of cases across the age span that have led to overcapacity situations in all local hospitals. These factors, taken together, pose an unacceptable level of risk.

We share your disappointment. Fortunately, OLLI staff and almost all members and instructors are now fully trained on Zoom course delivery and even on how to foster social contact through class discussions, Conversation Connections and Shared Interest Groups. One-on-one tech support for Zoom is available for those needing training or a brush up.

Information will be forthcoming through the Newsflash and OLLI website regarding the alternatives for those enrolled or who were planning to enroll for in-person classes this fall.

We will get through this!



John Ferris, OLLI Council President