Weekly Staff Newsletter



Billing Department Phone Number

The Billing Team has a new phone number. The new phone number is 231-724-1171.

When calling this number, it will route to the four billing representatives within the Billing Department. The representatives are Sheila Hurtubise, Beth Slagboom, Ashley Jackson and Stephanie Jones. 

The new phone number will be for individuals in services or staff who have questions regarding statements or any billing questions for services performed at HealthWest. 

2022 Tax Letter

If you live outside of Muskegon city limits and worked from home for all or part of the 2022 tax year, you are eligible to receive a credit on your 2022 Muskegon City income taxes. You will need a City Tax Letter to report the percentage of time you have worked from home during 2022. 

HealthWest does not track the number of hours you worked from home, so you will have to estimate a reasonable percentage of time and then fill in the letter, print and have your supervisor sign it. You keep the letter for your tax records. Use the link below to view the 2022 City Tax Letter. Please download the letter and save it to your computer before filling it out.

​​​​​​​Please reach out to Human Resources if you have any questions.

Tax Letter

Let's get colorful!

Last year every campus received a large coloring sheet, markers, and colored pencils. Coloring together can be an effective way to relieve stress and get to know teammates as you work towards a common goal.

Our staff at Muskegon Covenant Hall shared a picture of their finished piece!

Do you know where your coloring sheet is in your building?


Want to learn more about self determination? A section with additional resources on self determination has been added to the Compass on the Community Resources page. There’s a workflow, presentation, informative handout and an application available. 

Download Information Document


Thanks to our staff who participated in this years Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Breakfast, hosted by Muskegon Community College!

It’s National Mentoring Month! This January, the TIDE committee is wrapping up a month of celebrating the unique impact of human connections through mentorship. We hope that you will continue to reflect on the importance of mentorship in your own life and share our community mentorship resources.

Check out these community mentoring programs:


TIDE Meet and Greet

Come out and meet members of TIDE, a passionate team from HealthWest working to forge relationships and create opportunities for learning and changes surrounding InclusionDiversity, and Equity.


HealthWest has started rolling out new required training modules for HealthWest staff. Here's some of what to expect with new courses available now and coming soon:



  • Pcard Training - Staff will now be asked to annually review our Pcard policy and attest to reviewing it in Relias. If you have an agency Pcard, this document has already been sent to you via Relias for 2023. Please log in and review the policy and complete the attestation when possible. 
  • Veteran Cultural Competency - Starting this year, all HealthWest staff will be required to take Veteran Cultural Competency. This is one of the priority populations served by CCBHCs. If you have not recently taken this training, please sign up for one of the monthly scheduled sessions.
  • Mandated Reporter Training – We are partnering with DHHS to bring training to all staff who are considered mandated reporters. If you work directly with individuals in service and haven’t taken this course yet, please register in Relias. 
  • CALM Training – Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) is required of all staff who work directly with individuals in service. This is one of the recommended trainings by the Suicide Safer Care EBP. This online training can be taken at any time. Access the training via Relias and ensure you let Gina Schaner know once you have completed the training.



  • Incident Reporting – All staff will be assigned a Relias module on incident reporting this quarter. This will cover the incident reporting process.
  • Narcan Training – All staff will be assigned a short video on Narcan and invited to in-person office hours to pick up a Narcan kit and meet with a Narcan-trained staff person.
  • Prevention of Workplace Violence – This year we will be working to support each campus individually with custom training in active intruders, safety measures, etc.
  • CQ Tier Two Training – For those who have completed the initial CQ Workshop, you’ll be participating in a deeper dive into CQ this year including opportunities to practice using the framework.
  • Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) – This is another recommended training of the Suicide Safer Care team. All masters-level clinical staff will soon be required to take this full-day training with an abbreviated training to follow for other staff.
  • SOGIE Specific Training – We will soon be rolling out required training to support staff in serving the SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression) population.

February Human Trafficking Training - 2 social work CEUs

Human trafficking is a very real threat in Muskegon County. Take advantage of this free Human Trafficking course on February 24 from 9:30 am - noon. This training will discuss what human trafficking is, how to recognize potential victims, address barriers around reporting and legalities, and share best practices for providing support and restoration to victims and survivors. This presentation will also discuss the role of trauma and the impact it has on victims and survivors in their journey of restoration. 


This course is approved for 2 social work CEs and meets the LARA requirement for licensed social workers.


Register today in Relias. 


Know of a community member who may also be interested in this training? Invite them to participate (cost is $25 for non-HealthWest employees). Community members can register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/human-trafficking-tickets-504528848367

Gentle Teaching Training

Gentle Teaching guides an intentional teaching process in caregiving, focusing on establishing safe and loving relationships between caregivers and the persons. This training focuses on the pillars of gentle teaching: developing relationships, creating a safe sense of community, enrichment through the experience and understanding of feelings, and the importance of the personal/professional development of the caregiver. This course is highly recommended for the Mobile Crisis team and is open to all HealthWest staff.

There are two upcoming opportunities to attend this training on January 26 and February 23 from 9 am-4:30 pm.

Signup in Relias:


HW Board of Directors Minutes- December
All Staff Meeting Minutes

Staff Newsletters

January 17, 2023

January 10, 2023

January 3, 2023

December 20, 2022

December 13, 2022

December 6, 2022

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