Winter 2019
Spectrum Charter School
Quarterly Newsletter
Educating Students for Success
in a Changing World
"I  pledge to be a self-advocate who believes in my potential to care for myself, my family, my community, and our environment. I will show the quality of my character by being trustworthy, respectful, and valuing the uniqueness of myself and others. I will remember that where I fail, I learn. I will be mindful and take each moment as an opportunity to grow  "

A Message from Michelle Johnson

Over the past several months, Spectrum Charter School Board Members have diligently been working to create an updated Strategic Plan that will serve as a road map for future decision making and provide the necessary guidance as we move forward in celebrating this year, our 20th Anniversary and our future.

I am pleased to be able to share with you our new Mission - Vision -Value Statements

Michelle Johnson, CEO

Students Complete Valuable Community Service Project for Brother's Brother Foundation
Spectrum students have been busy in their classrooms helping with the Brother’s Brother Foundation annual mailing.
For the past several years, our School has been folding, stuffing, and sealing the thousands of envelopes as part of a volunteer program with the Brother’s Brother Foundation. Ms. Marie and Ms. Wendy’s classrooms did an excellent job of folding and stuffing the envelopes, while Ms. Lisa’s classroom excelled at gluing. Ms. Lori’s classroom counted all of the envelopes once they were stuffed and the students completed more than 7,000 envelopes.
Brother’s Brother Foundation is a gift-in-kind charity that focuses on medical and educational needs around the world. BBF has served 149 countries worldwide with over 105,000 tons of medicines, medical equipment, textbooks, educational supplies and emergency disaster aid since its founding in 1958. 
Thanks for Giving

Thank you to everyone who continues to support Spectrum Charter School and our year-end Thanks For Giving campaign! This year we set a modest goal of $3,000 with the hope of being able to purchase new Google Chromebooks for our students in the Transition classroom.
We appreciate your commitment to our school and our students in helping us to be in the forefront on delivery of educations and transitional services that will empower the successful future of every child who may have difficulty learning in traditional environments.

 Please know that every gift – large or small makes a difference.
Does your employer participate in matching gift program? Don’t forget to ask! Your gift is is fully deductible as a charitable contribution.
Toy Drive for Children's Hospital Huge Success
We are excited to announce that our very 1 st holiday Toy Drive was a big success.!
The idea of collecting toys was presented by a student in Ms. Lori’s class. He presented the idea to his classmates, teachers, and our CEO.
His proposal included: collections dates and organization of the toys. The student spoke with his classmates and designed a poster to kick off the toy collection. As toys began to fill the boxes, out hearts grew with all of the kind donations. On Thursday, December 11 th Ms. Lori’s class delivered 116 donated gift to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
We would like to thank all who donated to our toy drive and look forward to continuing this new tradition for 2020. 
Volunteering at the Carnegie Science Center
One of Spectrum’s Core Values is being Community Focused. This means to support those around you by being a committed worker and volunteer. Ms. Marie and Ms. Wendy’s classes exhibit these principles each time they volunteer at the Carnegie Science Center!
When asked about their community experiences at the Carnegie Science Center students responded as follows:
  •    “When students volunteer in the community they can help… within their capabilities as a community worker or volunteer.”
  •     “At the Science Center we dust and sweep steps. Then we have free time.”
  •    “When people come to the Carnegie Science Center it’s a clean and fun environment.”
  •     “Being community focused is sometimes fun and helpful because we get to take a break from school and we get to volunteer at a place for people who need it… and at the same time focus on our goals while we are there.”
The students at Spectrum Charter School demonstrate the Core Value of being Community Focused by volunteering on a regular basis. Currently, Spectrum students volunteer at the Carnegie Science Center, Monroeville Public Library, Lincoln Park Community Center, Global Links, Monroeville Christian Church, Westmoreland County Food Bank, McKenna Senior Center, and Concordia of Monroeville.
The Importance of Being
Community Focused
One of the core values of Spectrum Charter School is to be Community Focused . This means to “support those around you by being a committed worker and volunteer”.
Twice a month, Ms. Wendy’s class volunteers at Monroeville Christian Church.  At the church, our class cleans the restroom sinks and their classrooms.
Our class also volunteers at Westmoreland County Food Bank where we sort donated food items and package them for distribution. At Carnegie Science Center , we sweep and dust the back stairwells. At Global Links , we help sort donated surplus medical supplies by content and expiration dates, and then help package them for shipment to those in need. “The students need to work with a high level of accuracy since items will be checked at Customs. It is very important that students must make sure to thoroughly count items and label boxes with exactness”, explains classroom teacher Ms. Wendy.
The opportunity to work at each of these sites provides the students with important job skill practice. They learn appropriate workplace behavior, following directions, staying on task, problem solving skills, and many specific skills such as vacuuming, cleaning, sorting, and packaging. We are #CommunityFocused
A Message from the
Parent Task Force

The Parent Task Force would like to thank all of our parent volunteers for helping with our most recent school events including the community small electronics collection , the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot and the annual Holiday Shop. We couldn’t do this without our Spectrum Parents.
Parents are always welcome to come to our monthly meetings and to volunteer with our activities. Please contact your child’s teacher or parent leader Heather Yee.
We look forward to hearing from you and for an exciting 2020. 

Heather Yee, Parent
From All of Us at Spectrum Charter School to All of You,
We are sending our wishes for a very happy holiday season and a New Year filled with opportunity for all.
Thank you For Supporting Spectrum Charter School's Electronic Recycling Event
We are proud to share with you that we collected 1300 pounds in electronic waste.
Special Thanks to our friends at West Penn Metals Recycling for all of their support!
Community Resources & Announcements:
Sensory-Friendly Concert: Holiday Pops - Heinz Hall of Performing Arts
Saturday, December 21 st , 2019 at 2:30 pm

Sensory-Friendly Saturday: Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Saturday, December 28 th from 8:30-10:00 am

P ittsburgh Autism Speaks in partnership with Pitt Gymnastic Team - Annual Autism Awareness Meet with Ball State
Saturday, January 19, 2020 at 2 pm
Fans are encouraged to wear blue in support. Free Blue pom-pom giveaway.
For more information contact Laura McCurdy

Sensory-Friendly Performance of Beauty & The Beast Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
Sunday, February 23, 2020 from 4:30-6:40 pm
Sensory-Friendly Movies -AMC Waterfront Theaters
Every other Tuesday and Saturday (times vary, check with theater)