Infiltrates Hawaii GOP Leadership with Phony Credentials
May 30, 2017
Ms. Shirlene Ostrov
Hawaii Republican Party
725 Kapiolani Blvd., #C-105
Honolulu, HI 96813
RE: Request for Cessation of Impostor Boyd Ready's Fake County Officer Status
Dear Chairwoman Ostrov:
First of all, please accept my congratulations upon your election as chairwoman of the Hawaii Republican Party for the next two years. On behalf of the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), we sincerely hope that the future of Republicans will be a brighter one with the end of the disastrous Fritz Rohlfing era which came on the heels of the disastrous Pat Saiki era.
With nearly seven months having transpired since the 2016 general election, we are genuinely hopeful that
your campaign promises
of improved issues advocacy, messaging, grassroots organizing, public education and persuasion, platform development, fundraising, party modernization, financial transparency, accountability, and eliminating the decades long manipulation of party processes and decision-making by your best known backers will be swiftly realized in time to impact the 2018 elections just 17 months away. Happily, these are the very priorities HIRA has regularly urged the Hawaii GOP to pursue. We sincerely hope you can right the ship accordingly.
Here's my
reason for writing you today
. As a card-carrying member of the Hawaii Republican Party since the 1980's, please accept this letter as my formal request that you take all action necessary to stop Boyd Ready from improperly pretending to occupy the non-existent position of "Vice-Chair" of the Honolulu County Republican Party and to compel Mr. Ready to cease and desist from attempting to continue exerting any authority which he is attempting to derive from pretending to occupy this position.
Allow me to explain the fraud and rule breaking so that you can move with speed to correct this situation.
At this the meeting of the state rules committee held just three days ago, on Saturday, 27 May 2017, Fritz Rohlfing holdover Andrew Walden -- your newly-reappointed chairman of the state rules committee and the same guy who wanted the Hawaii GOP to endorse Democrat donor and endorser Kym Pine for re-election -- explicitly advised Maui GOP county chairman Greg Lussier to check the state party's website to review the official repository of county and state rules in order to find answers to his questions. Perhaps you heard this exchange between Mssrs. Walden and Lussier, since you were in attendance at this very meeting. Well, HIRA enthusiastically took Mr. Walden's advice to heart; especially knowing that Boyd Ready and a team of three other top party leaders have been in charge of the state website for quite some time:
Directly responsible for placing and maintaining the most current versions of the county and state rules on the state party website are these high-ranking individuals at the Hawaii GOP:
Boyd Ready
, immediate past state party secretary and four-year member of the state executive committee;
Andrew Walden
, chairman of the state rules committee under Rohlfing and Ostrov;
Andy Mukk
, immediate past state vice-chair for communications (who held the post for four years);
Fritz Rohlfing
, immediate past state chairman and past chairman of the Honolulu County Republican Party.
These are the four individuals whose positions made them responsible for the relevant content of the state party's website, which Walden himself vouched for only three days ago.
Oddly enough, Rohlfing, Mukk, Ready are
still listed as top state party officers today
, two full weeks since the state convention on Kauai. But that's another matter entirely. What matters is that the very same party rules and the very same website Mr. Walden vouched for is the same website which is online today.
I visited the Hawaii GOP website this past Saturday that you and your team of state party officers (mostly comprised of current Oahu League officers) are now responsible for. At
, I clicked on the "About" link, then "Downloadable Resources" which brought me to this section of the website (screenshot below):
Just as Mr. Walden explicitly assured everyone on the state rules committee this past Saturday, listed on the site were all of the current state and county rules available for download and reading, including the rules of the Honolulu County Republican Party which hyperlink is copied below:
As you can see from the upload date contained in the URL of this file, these posted rules for the Honolulu County Republican Party were uploaded to the official Hawaii GOP website in July 2014. These rules, adopted on 22 March 2005, are the most recently adopted rules of the Honolulu County GOP. More importantly, your state rules committee chair explicitly vouched for these rules as recently as three short days ago in front of the entire statewide membership of the state party's rules committee.
Now, Section 301 of these rules clearly establishes the legitimate officer positions for the Honolulu County Republican Party. "Vice-Chair" is not one of these. There is, of course, a county chair position along with several regional vice-chair positions, plus a treasurer and a secretary. But there is no "Vice-Chair" listed as a legitimate officer post. That's because there is no such position which Boyd Ready is currently pretending to occupy.
The Hawaii GOP has enough problems without having people pretending to be officers at any level of the troubled organization. It doesn't even matter that Boyd Ready has demonstrated himself to be unfit for any party office by participating several weeks ago in an outrageous and deceitful coordinated power grab for personal power that debased the entire county committee, to say nothing of his sordid record of collusion and coverup of financial and other problems as state party secretary or his failed record as state party vice-chair for coordinated campaigns before that (under Pat Saiki). All that matters is that Boyd Ready is improperly pretending to hold an office which does not exist.
You are
absolutely right on point
with your campaign pledge, Chairwoman Ostrov. Blatant rule breaking is
absolutely unacceptable
. Yet Boyd Ready has been improperly representing himself as "Vice-Chair" of the Honolulu County Republican Party for more than two months; fraudulently occupying a position which does not even exist under the rules of the Honolulu County Republican Party --
rules which we were directed to by your own rules committee chairman
, Mr. Walden.
Boyd Ready's improper misrepresentation of himself as "Vice-Chair" of the Honolulu County Republican Party and his assertion of any authority derived from holding this bogus position must come to an immediate end. As the state party's most recent secretary and as a member of the state executive committee for four long years, Mr. Ready himself has no excuse to claim ignorance of the rules which he and Mr. Walden and Mr. Rohlfing and Mr. Mukk posted on the Hawaii GOP website. There is no such position as "Vice-Chair" of the Honolulu County Republican Party and Mr. Ready must be stopped from pretending to hold that position any longer, as this example from 24 April 2017 clearly exhibits Mr. Ready's fraudulent pretense, when the same Boyd Ready who didn't like losing the election for county chair at the county convention a month earlier still refuses to accept the outcome after overwhelmingly losing the vote again at a special county committee meeting engineered by Boyd Ready with fellow corruptniks Fritz Rohlfing, Jack James, Bob McDermott and McDermott's aide Keith Trollman:
I call upon you and Mr. Walden to immediately declare that Mr. Ready may no longer pretend to be "Vice-Chair" of the Honolulu County Republican Party and to affirm that no such position exists under the rules of the Honolulu County Republican Party organization. I expect that this matter can be swiftly ruled upon and concrete action taken by the end of this week, unless a concerted effort by party officials is made to invent some twisted logic or falsification of documents to preserve Mr. Ready in this non-existent position.
But I hope you'll agree that it is a shame that Mr. Ready would deliberately misrepresent himself to others as holding a nonexistent party officer post. I doubt that many would be truly surprised given Mr. Ready's many insidious past actions.
Finally, please know that should Boyd Ready remain as "Vice-Chair" of the Honolulu County Republican Party, then it will be abundantly clear to everyone that the new party leadership remains as unserious about following the party's own published rules as previous party leaders.
Thanks in advance for your speedy action on this urgent matter. I look forward to your reply and to the action you and Mr. Walden take to remedy this unfortunate and highly problematic situation.
Good luck to you and your team over the next two years.
Member, Hawaii Republican Party (HRP)
President, Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA)
Chairman, HIRA Action SuperPAC
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The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), an affiliated chapter of
is the conservative standard-bearer of the Republican Party of Hawaii
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands.
We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH).
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party.
Hawaii Republican Assembly
| P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706