Alabama | Indiana | Kentucky | Mississippi | Tennessee
May 2019
Celebrating Success
Improving the Health Status of Rural Communities in Kentucky
Heart disease and stroke are among the top causes of death for all Americans, and people with diabetes have a 1.8 to 3 times greater risk of having a stroke in their lifetime. Stroke rates are highest from the Southeast to Michigan. Kentucky is in the middle of this region.

Kim Iman, atom Alliance Quality Improvement Advisor and Peer Facilitator for Everyone with Diabetes Counts, knew the rate of deaths caused by stroke in Warren County Kentucky is much higher than the state and national average (91.3 per 100,000 adults 35 and up). Warren County is also in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), which usually means it is more challenging to access doctors and clinical health services.
Health and Well-Being Key to Mental Health

Mental health is essential to everyone’s well-being, and mental illnesses are common and treatable. So much of what we do physically impacts us mentally – it’s important to pay attention to both your physical health and your mental health.

Each week during Mental Health Month in May, atom Alliance will share resources and educational opportunities that can help you better understand behavioral health issues that affect your patients and your staff. We've developed a series of podcasts aimed at creating a dialog between you, staff and patients for better understanding and addressing behavioral health issues.
Fighting Back Against Opioid Misuse in Clinton County, Indiana
Through a Special Innovation Project (SIP), awarded from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), atom Alliance is working collaboratively with multiple partners and stakeholders and with area physicians, nurse practitioners and dentists in Clinton County, Indiana to decrease opioid use and prescribing.

Clinton County ranks 3rd highest in the state for Emergency Department (ED) visits related to non-fatal overdoses and its ED visit rate for overdoses is more than double the state average.
Post Your Photo to Promote #MoveWithHeart
Hypertension increases the risk of dangerous health conditions like heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. Lifestyle changes such as increasing physical activity might lower your risk for developing hypertension.

During National High Blood Pressure Education Month in May, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) is challenging Americans to participate in a national pledge to #MoveWithHeart to help reduce their risk of high blood pressure. NHLBI is asking you to pledge by posting a photo or uploading a video of yourself being physically active.
Featured Resources
How to Taper Opioids Toolkit and Webinar
These hand-picked resources were chosen to help providers and educate patients on tapering opioids. They were developed by the Team for Innovation in MEdication Safety (TIMES), a collaborative of healthcare providers and patients in Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee. The goal of TIMES is to improve medication safety by decreasing unnecessary medication use.

Watch the recent webinar "Opioid Tapering and Disposal Resources" for an in-depth explanation of the toolkit and its resources.
Upcoming Events
May 14
Quality of Life at the End of Life
Join the Community Action Network as guest speaker Dustin Dillon, M.D. shares exactly what hospice care is, what it means to be at the "end of life," and how to manage discomfort at the end of life.
June 12
National Disparities Learning and Action Network (LAN) Event: Addressing Disparities through the QIO Program: Looking Forward, Looking Back
On this call, CMS will review how Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organizations (QIN-QIOs) have addressed disparities during the QIO Program's 11th Scope of Work (2014−2019) and reflect on what we have learned from National Disparities Learning and Action Network Events. Join us to consolidate your learning, celebrate successes, and share your thoughts about future directions to address disparities in the QIO Program and beyond.
View our  calendar  page for more details.
Featured On-Demand Opportunity
Patient Insight: Depression and Diabetes
It’s not uncommon for a person with diabetes to be depressed and addressing one of these illnesses can lead to improvements for both. During this Webinar, Cherokee Health Systems' Dr. Holly Robertson and Behavioral Health Consultant Eboni Winford, PhD, share their insight for patients about understanding depression, how it affects diabetes and where to get assistance.
Connect with atom Alliance

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This material was prepared by atom Alliance, the Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO), coordinated by Qsource for Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Mississippi and Alabama, under a contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Content presented does not necessarily reflect CMS policy. 19.A1.01.005