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Real Estate Section

"Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world."                  - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Real Estate Section Chair 2017
I think we can all agree with Franklin Roosevelt: When handled with common sense, financial stability and managed with reasonable care, real estate ownership becomes a "safe" investment. But, the reality of residential and commercial real estate is that common sense, financial stability and reasonable care do not always prevail.

The same characteristic that makes real estate attractive to individuals and businesses across the commonwealth - its permanence, which cannot be lost, stolen or carried away - may also create volatility and uncertainty. And THAT is where the members of the VBA Real Estate Section display our value.
Shaking any preconceived notions that real property law is "well-settled," the VBA Real Estate Section continues to evolve, adding value for our members through education and advocacy. This is an exciting time for the VBA Real Estate Section, and the next several months and years will continue to bring new and important advancements for our Section.
We are planning to expand the involvement in our Section through substantive committees and a periodic, electronic newsletter. Soon, Section members will be able to share their expertise in areas of Emerging Technologies in Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, Common Interest Communities, Creditor's Rights and Foreclosure, Eminent Domain, Land Use, Environmental and Conservation, Residential Real Estate, and Title Insurance. These committees will develop into a catalog of attorney resources, subject-matter experts and substantive research to assist in our advocacy efforts.
RLE In A VBA Minute 2017
On Sept. 15, 2017, the Section will host our annual fall social at Michael Shaps Wineworks Extended in Charlottesville, Virginia, with a discussion entitled "Be a Good Dam Lawyer: Navigating Virginia's Regulations and Requirements for Impounding Structures." Networking and wine will follow. RSVP today! Also, at the 2018 VBA Annual Meeting in January we will host a CLE program entitled "Virginia Lawyers' Guide to Community Association Law."
If you have not already, please consider joining the Real Estate Section. Your time and talents are critical to our evolution and progress. If I can provide any additional information about our Section, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Real Estate Section Council. We hope to see you all on Sept. 15 in Charlottesville!

Maxwell "Max" H. Wiegard, Chair
[email protected]
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