June 2023

“Knowledge is Power. Knowledge Shared is Power Multiplied.” 

— Robert Boyce 

Recognizing Better Hearing is Better Healthcare; we eagerly share reputable education which empowers you to make well-informed decisions. While this core goal relates to many comorbidities such as diabetes, vision loss, tinnitus and the risk of falls, it is vital with respect to Alzheimer’s disease and the dementia epidemic.

Starting with Why, these stunning statistics as seen on the Alzheimier's Association Facts & Figures webpage speak for themselves:

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To gain perspective, please invest a few moments to view this emotive video:

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Before focusing on crucial research, we discuss risk reduction in general. With many things in life, we are encouraged to change behaviors in ways that reduce risks. Wearing seatbelts, not texting while driving, avoiding smoking and being more physically active to name a few. In the realm of brain health and function, how do we minimize risks? Let’s learn why consistent auditory (sound) stimulus is healthy exercise for your brain. In fact, Ear to Brain is A Vital Domain™.

With a growing body of research, often complex in its scientific nature, it is challenging to know which to pay attention to and key takeaways. For these reasons, like a museum curator who decides which works of art to display, we are dedicated to identifying peer-reviewed literature worthy of your close attention.

One of the most highly regarded and peer-reviewed medical research resources is European-based The Lancet journal. “Since its first issue (October 5, 1823), the journal has strived to make science widely available so that medicine can serve, and transform society, and positively impact the lives of people. The Lancet is committed to applying scientific knowledge to improve health and advance human progress.” *

“Lancet journals have extensive global reach with more than 84 millionannual visits on TheLancet.com and 141 million downloaded articles across TheLancet.com and ScienceDirect.” *

“The Lancet is an internationally trusted source of clinical, public health, and global health knowledge.” *

The point is, when The Lancet research speaks, people globally listen. We should too.


In 2017 (then updated in 2020), The Lancet published a landmark paper entitled: “Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care.” Extensive study over many years identified nine crucial risk factors that if completely eliminated, may reduce dementia’s negative impact by approximately 35% in terms of decreasing risk, delaying onset and reduced severity. In rank order, they are as follows:

  1. Hearing Loss
  2. Educational Level
  3. Smoking
  4. Depression
  5. Physical Activity
  6. Social Isolation
  7. Hypertension
  8. Diabetes
  9. Obesity

Remarkably, not only is Hearing Loss the single most important modifiable risk factor, but 69% of potential case and impact reduction includes, or relates to, hearing loss.

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While we take your hearing care seriously, a little laughter goes a long way.

Good Humor, Healthy Hearing

Given this knowledge, it is clearly important for you and your loved ones to hear to the best of your abilities. According to reputable research, being happy to hear may have the additional benefit of reducing dementia-related risks. As you think about periodic visits to your primary care doctor, dentist, eye doctor and other medical specialists, taking care of your ears can add life to your years. We appreciate your trust and all opportunities to be of service. Indeed, improving your quality of life is our passion. May we see you soon?

Our Patients Say It Best

“Dr. Patty and the staff at Colorado Tinnitus were so helpful and professional. We had been searching for answers for my daughter for years and they helped her tremendously. They diagnosed her condition and suggested support and solutions that have helped her tremendously. I would highly recommend them.”

— Carol V.



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The information contained herein is provided for general educational purposes.

Regarding specific questions, please talk to your Doctor.

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