God had a plan, and they just had to follow along.
It “just so happened” that Gene Turner, Midwest Mission’s Mission in Motion Manager, was already going to be heading that way that same weekend for a Rice Meal Pack in Michigan. Although they previously couldn’t seem to make the pickup work, God orchestrated perfect timing.
After the logistics were set, Chantel called Patty to assemble a team to help Gene and Robert load the supplies. Patty was able to coordinate a team of three additional volunteers: John Pape, Bonnie Elsass, and Tom Wente.
On Thursday, January 26, Gene began his trip to Ohio and Michigan in Midwest Mission’s semi truck. The next morning, they all met Gene at Robert’s apartment in Bryan, Ohio. Then, the team traveled to the location of the old fabric store, and spent the morning piling loads of fabric, sewing supplies, and craft supplies into the Midwest Mission semi truck.
In total, there were over 300 bolts of fabric.
“There’s no mission that has ever done what this mission has,” Robert said, in awe of seeing God work in and through Midwest Mission for so many years.
This fabric donation will give hope and empowerment to people around the world.