Winter 2024

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Health-care education close to home

Strong connections with education institutes are crucial to stabilize staffing.


Many health careers require training by certifying bodies, so Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority has cultivated strong working relationships with post-secondary institutions to increase training opportunities in the region.

“Working in health care has to become more accessible, so expanding the number of ways that people can enter the health workforce is critical. It’s a key priority to bring education closer to where people live,” said Julene Sawatzky, regional lead for human resources for Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority (IERHA).

“Currently we’re working with Assiniboine Community College and Red River College Polytechnic. University of Manitoba is also a major partner for registered nurses, where a key focus is increasing practicum placements in the region.” Read more here.

Welcome aboard to new recruits from Philippines

An international recruitment mission last year is now resulting in the arrival of qualified workers who have applied to work in Manitoba.

Communities across the region are welcoming health-care workers from the Philippines.

For some, living and working in Manitoba is fulfilling long-held aspirations. 


Kim Codilla arrived in Manitoba in December with his wife Maria, as well as their 13-year-old son Carmelo and three-year-old daughter Alyanna. 


In the Philippines, Kim worked as a nurse vaccinator for the Department of Health. Now that he’s in Manitoba, he’s working as a health-care aide at the Beausejour Hospital. Read more.

Community collaboration

“The community very generously donated many lightly used items and some even purchased new items and Christmas gifts for them," said Chantelle Parrott, economic development and marketing officer for Beausejour Brokenhead Development Corporation.

"Through this donation drive, we were able to fully furnish the apartment for the Codilla family and have almost everything lined up for our next family as well."

Read more. 


Fatima Oriesga landed in Manitoba in January as a participant in the Philippines recruitment initiative. 

In the Philippines, Fatima worked as a community nurse. Now that she’s in Manitoba, she’s working as a health-care aide at Ashern Personal Care Home. Read more.

John Valdez and his wife Ronella were the first family to settle in the Interlake-Eastern region as part of the Philippines recruitment initiative.

Trained in the Philippines, John worked as a registered nurse supporting care in an acute stroke and neuroscience unit. Now in Manitoba, John is supporting care at the Ashern Personal Care Home where he works as a health-care aide. Ronella, who was a pharmacist in the Philippines, has accepted a part-time pharmacy technician position. Read more.


Lorie Ann Casaclang recently arrived as a participant in the Philippines recruitment initiative. She shared some of her thoughts on why she decided to move to Manitoba.

In the Philippines, Lorie Ann worked as an occupational health nurse. Now that she’s in Manitoba, she’s working as a health-care aide at Arborg hospital. Read more.

Deanna Fernando landed in Manitoba in early February as a participant in the Philippines recruitment initiative, along with her husband Renz and their 10-year-old son Darence. 

In the Philippines, Deanna worked in private health care. Now that she’s in Manitoba, she’s working as a health-care aide at Arborg Personal Care Home. Read more.

Donations in demand

IERHA is expecting more new recruits from the Philippines to arrive soon.


To help them get settled, we’re seeking donations of warm winter wear as well as furniture and household items in various communities.


Please note that any items that cannot be used by new arrivals from the Philippines recruits will be donated.


For more information, contact Susan Peitsch, human resources officer for Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority, at or 204-345-4325.

Meet the medical residents practising in IERHA

Dr. Rita Costa

Dr. Amanda Wong

Interlake-Eastern RHA offers opportunities for new doctors who are interested in gaining hands-on rural medicine experience.


Dr. Amanda Wong and Dr. Rita Costa have begun a two-year residency through a family medicine residency program offered in the region in conjunction with the University of Manitoba’s Department of Family Medicine rural residency stream and Selkirk Medical Associates. Residency is the final training stage for doctors after they graduate from medical school. 

Read more

Working holiday for locum doctors

Success with community-based health-care aide training! 

Click here to see a poster for an upcoming micro-credential HCA training course in Selkirk from March 18 to April 5.

In 2023, Interlake-Eastern RHA introduced a regionally developed and delivered, health-care aide micro-credential training course.

Hosted in five communities around the region to date, this training is paid and upon successful course completion, graduates are offered health-care attendant positions with the health region. They can work as uncertified health-care aides in home care and long-term care.


Congrats to all the students who graduated from IERHA’s Grow Our Own HCA micro-credential course. All the best in your bright careers ahead! 

This year's health-care aide graduation class from Lake Manitoba First Nation: (left to right) Edward, Cecily, Taryn, Kayleen, Whitney

Graduates from our most recent training course in Lac du Bonnet from left to right: Randeep, Sonya, Melanie, Daniel, Glenda, Wanita, Dannielle

Community opportunities

Camp Stepping Stones is looking for volunteers, campers

Camp Stepping Stones will be back in person from Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 2 and is looking for volunteers and campers!

This camp is geared for kids aged seven to 17 who have recently lost a parent or somebody close to them. Volunteers create a safe environment for kids to explore their grief alongside other youth who are also grieving. Read more.

This important program is available thanks to the generosity of many community groups, donors and volunteers. A special thank you to South West District Palliative Care, Selkirk & District Community Foundation, IERHA $5 Club, Project Linus Canada – Stonewall Chapter, Selkirk Home Hardware Building Centre and Little Elska, who have already confirmed their support for camp this year.  


Unable to volunteer but still want to help? Please consider making a financial contribution to Camp Stepping Stones at

Healthy Together Now helps community groups achieve healthy goals

Healthy Together Now is a community-led grassroots program that helps prevent chronic diseases in Manitoba. 

Starting now, community organizations can apply for funding for prevention activities in the areas of physical activity, healthy eating, tobacco prevention and reduction, and mental well-being.

Read more.

Please join our network of community supporters. Be sure to check out IERHA's social media channels on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

We appreciate your efforts to help us promote the wonderful region we work in and the career opportunities available!

Thinking about a career in health care?

IERHA continues to strengthen its partnerships with various post-secondary institutions to develop a stronger workforce in the region. Efforts are underway to develop education opportunities closer to home for residents of the region. Learn more.

Upcoming opportunities:

Want to work

closer to home? 

We are hiring positions in communities throughout the RHA. Featured positions include:

  • Nursing positions
  • Dietary and housekeeping position
  • Health-care aides
  • Home-care attendants

Click here to view all job postings and to apply.

We also accept hard-copy resumes in all of our facilities.

Meet Interlake-Eastern RHA's board of directors!

Click here to read our directors' profiles.

  • Michele Polinuk (Selkirk) - Chair
  • Cyndi Typliski (Selkirk) - Vice-Chair
  • Judith Cameron (Gimli) - Secretary
  • Murray Werbeniuk (East St. Paul) - Treasurer
  • Debbie Fiebelkorn (East Selkirk) - Audit Chair
  • Susan Bater (East Selkirk)
  • Tammy Hagyard-Wiebe (St. Laurent)
  • Arnthor Jonasson (Ashern)
  • Lynette McDonald (Selkirk)
  • Penny-Anne Wainwright (Eriksdale)
  • Steven Brennan (East St. Paul)

Board chair Michele Polinuk visited Ashern's dialysis unit during a recent site visit. Left to right: Tammy Reykdal, HCA; Trisha King, HCA; Michele Polinuk, board chair; Joji John, RN; Sarvesh Mohan, manager, health services; and Renjin Johnson, LPN. 

Tell us your compliments and concerns

At Interlake-Eastern RHA, we are committed to serving you with respect, care and compassion. We are here to listen and respond to your needs.


We offer a number of ways to communicate with us:

  • Complete this electronic Feedback Form. Printed forms are also available at all Interlake-Eastern RHA facilities.
  • Compliment or concern? Call us toll free at 1-855-999-4742
  • General inquiries? Call us toll free at 1-855-347-8500 

Thank you very much for your comments and your efforts to make us a better RHA for you and your family. 

Learn more in our strategic plan

Have an idea for a story you'd like to see covered? We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions! Email